Scenario006: jealous

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I keep telling you that I'm not the jealous type. You mentioned your ex so many times and I didn't bat an eye. I'm also not the type to show how sweet and cling I am on the outside. But things have changed tonight.

We went to a bar together, it's my first time to ever go there. It's a drag queen bar and it's mostly a place full of queer people. The moment we entered the club, women are already locking eyes on you. I try to act like it's nothing to me. Besides, you already have me, and too bad for them they can't pull us apart.


I am having so much fun! I see the queens that I love as well as new queens I am planning to search up later when we get home. But I can't help but be bothered because there are a lot of pretty women surrounding us, and their eyes are all on you.

After the show, I told you that I have to go to the bathroom for a while so you wait in the bar. I take a look in the mirror, at myself. The only makeup I had on me is a now-smudged eyeliner and a dark purple lipstick. I did not change my emo look for I don't know how. And now my pores and pimples are getting visible. My dress...I'm not even sexy in it. I take my hair tie as I fix my hair thinking, is this enough? Am I pretty enough for you?

I push my thoughts away and exit the bathroom. As I walk my way to the bar, I stopped. One of the girls that were staring at you is sitting next to you. You two are casually talking, with her giggling shortly after. From afar, I saw her fingers, slowly making their way to yours and I can't stand this anymore.

"Hi, guys~!" I stand beside you, smiling.

You look back at me and say, "Oh hey babe!" The stool is short enough for you to reach my forehead and give it a kiss.

"Oh. Hello." She said, in a bitter tone. I can see her eyes judging the way I style myself, compared to her short red dress, red lipstick, smokey eye makeup, and excess foundation.

"This is my girlfriend," you introduced me. I reach my hand out to her but she didn't take it. Instead, she sips her wine and looks back at you.

"I doubt."

"Excuse me?"

She looks at you and smirks. "I said, I doubt you're in a relationship with someone that is lame --She looks at me, and back to you--"compared to you." then she winks. The audacity of this bitch. "So, tell me," she continues. I watch as her eyes move from your fingers to your biceps and neck, and stop at your lips as she licks hers. "What do you really want?"

Before you can say anything in defense of me, I open my mouth. "Oh, you wanna know what she really wants?" I turn your stool so you can face me. I can see you're surprised by the sudden shift in my actions. I smirk. "She wants someone who's funny--someone who can make her laugh." My gaze remains on you as my hands rub your thighs. "Someone who knows her body, Someone who shows that she is loved, someone who will stay through her best and worst." I lean my body closer as I move my hands up your stomach. I feel your hot breath against my neck and it made me bite my lip. "She wants someone who she can binge shows with, listen to songs with, travel to places with, someone to get lost with." I lick my lip when our nose touch. I can feel my heart beat fast. Your eyes reflecting by the light over us, your soft pink lips parted slightly. "And it doesn't matter how they look, how they dress, or anything. Because she wants someone to be herself with."

I smile softly, feeling my eyes watery. Then you pull me in, our lips touching. I can feel your hands slowly moving down to my ass. I moan in between the kiss, letting your tongue dance around mine like a ballroom, and while kissing you keep whispering "You're the one I want."

Minutes later, we pull away and smile. I look to my left, and the girl who is trying to flirt with you looks dumbfounded with that stupid shocked look on her face as if she's offended. I smirk. "Oh my apologies. We must be going." I stand up straight and smile at you before I leave the club.


Finally, we are now in our own apartment. Once the door opens, you sit on the couch right away while I stay still by the door. I remember when I wait in front of the car for 10 minutes before you came out of the club smiling.  You were smiling. The moment you walk out of that building. But why? Did you and that girl...

"Babe,"  you call out to me, still smiling. "Seems like you're thinking a lot of things, huh?"  You giggled. "What's on your mind, love?"

I stare at you, longingly. How sweet your smile is, how lovely you look, how I...might not see that again.  Your smile suddenly fades and you start to look concerned. "Love?" I did not realize that tears starts forming on my face.

I run to you. I slam my hand on the back rest of the sofa while putting my knees on each side of your thighs. I look into your brown beautiful eyes before I hug you tight, more tears forming my eyes.

"Don't...go..." I manage to let out. "Please. I..." I sniffle. "I know that there are many many pretty girls out there that wants you, that will love you right. And I know that one day you will fall for them harder than you could for me. And that will hurt me. So bad. Because I love you, and I never love anyone like this before. I just..." my tears starts streaming continuously down to my cheeks, slightly staining your shirt. "I can't afford to let someone I love go. So please stay with me. Stay..."

"Baby," I feel your arms wrapped around me. "Of course I'll stay love. Don't worry about that okay?" You kissed my forehead.

"You're my light in the dark, the chocolate coating over the chocolate coating of my ice cream, the creamer to my coffee, mine..." I hear you chuckle as I speak.

"Oh yes love, I get it now." You push my shoulders so you can get a better look at my messy face. "While you're the muscle on my arm, every part of my garden of flowers, the beating of my heart, my everything. Why would my lovely think that I will replace such magnificence?"

"You...You did not leave the club right after I do and you..." I look down as you wipe my tears. It's a shame looking like a mess.

But you lift my head up and smile at me. "Do you know what I said to that woman?"

I take a deep breath and exhale, calming myself down.

You continue to talk while rubbing both my shoulders. "I told her that I don't need that fucking bitch. Because I got my own bitch."

I smile softly. "Really?"

"Yeah," you smiled. Then you bit your lip.  "Well," you look down, blushing. "I also told her more reasons why I will never replace you for any other women."

I stifle a laugh. "Oh baby,"

You look up at me, then we both start laughing. We stayed like that for a minute. Then we both stop to stare at each other. Your hands moves up to my cheeks and as you are about to pull me in, I pull out.

"Baby wait, let me just fix myself." I turn to grab the tissues by the table. "I don't want you kissing me like a mess."

I wipe only a few of my tears when you turn me around. "Oh baby I can kiss you whatever you look like."

And with that, I let you pull me in.

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