scenario010: talkative

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I talk too much, and I am fully aware of that. Even then, I warned you about it. Still, you were surprised.

The first time we met, you thought it will be very very awkward, afraid that we will just say nothing and do nothing. But instead, every space of silence I fill up with my blabbers about anything I can think of.

Starting from when we first saw each other I am telling you how anxious I am that my heart is beating fast (i let you feel my chest while we're walking), then I talk about how soically anxious I am while we're wating in line, then tell you how i talk a lot while you eat because I can't seem to shut up when silence is filling up the room, then i talk a lot about books while fixing books in bookstores, talk about tiled floors while walking on one, talk about how I'm born when we pass by a photography shop and I saw a picture of a baby framed on the wall, hang out at the terrace of the mall as it views the city and suddenly I will cut the beautiful silence with my thoughts so weird you would look at me like I need therapy, and more.

You like i tthough, at least you said you do. While we call late at night, I would talk a lot about anything and you would chuckle and I ask why and you keep saying that I talk a lot but I shouldn't worry because you like it and it's "cute." That stupid C-word makes me speechless everytime. 

Even at our aniversary, you would tell me how all I do is talk a lot and you would laugh at me for that. How I do everything to fill the silence. But what you like about me being talkative most is when I shut my mouth the whole day until we can talk and I would be excitedly sharing you something. I would not stop talking and I would talk very fast it sounds like I'm rapping.

Now that we live together, I still don't change. Since I'm a writer, I just stay at home a lot while you go to work. Then we would talk shortly to tell about our days so far, while sometimes I rant about my struggles or be hyper about something that I love to brag to you. Then in the evening you would arrive and sometimes we just go to sleep--but most times I'll still talk while you fall asleep.

Even today I still talk while we're watching. I do this every time and you know it, and this is the only time you hate me talking. One time we watched this anime movie, and I keep speaking my thoughts out, including what I thought will happen. And most times, I get it right. I guessed that the mother will die and the letters she's been writing will be for her child. You scoffed at the idea and we keep watching then suddenly what I said came true. You were crying while I cried a little only because I saw it coming. You keep saying how I spoiled it when I never watch that movie in my life and also in defense, it's obvious.

Though how many times I want to keep my mouth shut, I can't, mostly when I get too excited.

Now we are watching a movie, sci-fi. It's not my genre but I love watching with you so I did. As the movie plays, I comment about how hot the actors are, how good they act, and how the cinematography is everything. But when I turn to look at you, you're staring at me while the show plays on the background. "Sorry." I whisper as I let the television do the talking

As we reach the middle of the movie, that's how I create theories.

"Let me guess," I start while the movie plays. At this point I'm not talking to you, and I even soften my voice so you won't hear me talk to myself. "The other guy will for in love with his friend's wife and the wife will fall in love in return because her real husband don't really care much for his wife but then the husband will find out so both of them will fight and it will cause a very huge fight. And this story will tell the tragedy of loss, how we should cherish someone we love before we lose them to something or someone else! Then maybe this show might end by them fighting and then they-"

I feel a touch on my chin as it turns my head around. Next thing I know, your lips are on mine and your tongue dances around mine softly and slowly. I was shocked. The movie keeps playing in the background and we deepen the kiss. Then you said: "Let's just see what happens, okay honey?" Before you give me a peck and go back to watching.

I am starstruck by what just happened. You just kissed me. While I talk. 

I turn to the TV and I still can't focus. Your kiss is all I am thinking about. The words in my mind is jumbled, I forgot how to form words all of the sudden.

All because of a kiss, you silenced me.

"Hey," You put your delicate hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay? You look like you-" 

I seal your words shut with a kiss. I push you to the headrest of the sofa as I let our lips move over one another. Your hand reach to the side to grab the remote and pause the video as we keep kissing. 

This night, we did not say anything. We just let our bodies do the talking, and this moment is the best silence of my life.

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