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            After taking a moment to stop in her cabin for a fresh pair of jeans, Piper set off to find Frank and Hazel. She eventually found them in the lounge area with Nico, who had just told them what had transpired in Percy's cabin.

            "Piper, is Percy okay?" asked Hazel frantically.

            "He's better. I was just talking to him, and he should be resting now. Someone will have to go change his bandages soon, though. All that water can't have done them any good," she replied, flopping onto the couch next to Nico. She considered it a personal victory that he didn't immediately slide away. She struggled with her conflicting emotions for a moment before saying, "But I have a question for you two."

            "Shoot," said Frank.

            "I really shouldn't say anything, but I really need to understand something. What happened with the muskeg in Alaska?"

            The trio's eyes widened. Eventually, Hazel responded, "It was....not good."

            "We were on our way into town, and Percy stepped off the path before Hazel could warn us of the danger," started Frank, looking a bit nervous. "Suddenly, he got sucked down into the ground. Hazel immediately jumped after him, but...."

            "He was freaking out. He could breathe underwater, the idea of suffocating was new to him then. Plus, we had just heard a prophecy from Ella, we weren't sure if it was about him or not, but is said something about a son of Neptune drowning. He tried to brush it off, but we could tell it bothered him. And then he gets stuck like that, drowning in the earth..." Hazel trailed off. "He was kind of... off after that. He still acted about the same, but there was a kind of odd way he was acting, so we knew he was really shaken up by it."

            "You never mentioned this prophecy!" said Nico.

            "We didn't think to. We were pretty sure it was over, we figured since it was fragmented, it was irrelevant. We thought it had to do with the fact that he drowned a bunch of undead warriors," said Frank. "Why is there this sudden interest in Percy drowning? I know it's more of an issue than it used to be, but how does the muskeg have anything to do with it?"

            Piper chose to keep Percy's secret, at least for now. "He just mentioned it, but didn't explain. I was curious, is all." She caught the look Nico gave her out of the corner of her eye. He knew she was lying. "Well, I'm going to go find Jason." With that, she waved, and walked out.

            She heard a rustling behind her as she made her way down the hall. Stopping in front of her bedroom door, she said, without turning around, "Come on in, Neeks. I sense you want to talk about something."

            Nico silently stepping through the doorway, looking at the surroundings. He was clearly unsurprised to find them very plain; Piper wasn't one to have frivolous decorations, dest=piter her parentage. He turned to the daughter of Aphrodite. "You know." It wasn't a question.

            "I know?" That one was.

            "Percy told you his fear. That's why you were asking about the muskeg. That's when it all started."

            "I'd say it started with that prophecy. Knowing him, he probably thinks itll still come true. That's what has him freaking out."

            There was a sudden knock at the door. Piper answered to find her boyfriend, who immediately set his sights on Nico. Without any preamble, the son of Jupiter said, "He could lose his powers?"

            "What?" asked Piper, throughouly confused. Jason ignored her, his icy glare set on Nico.

            "That guy you claim to be in love with could lose his powers, and you only thought to bring it up now, when it is almost too late?" hissed Jason, electricity crackling between his fingers. The room grew silent. Piper was shocked.

            Nico's eyes narrowed. "You. Promised."

            "You knew Percy could lose his powers and you didn't SAY ANYTHING?" she demanded.

            "I didn't think it was going to become an issue! All these drowning issues came up one after another, I only really knew about one! One is fine, one is something Percy can handle. But five?  Five is when I get concerned!" Nico shouted at Jason, thankful that the walls were soundproof. He turned his glare to Piper. "And if you EVER mention what Jason just announced for the whole world to hear, I will personally—"

            "Save it, Nico," said Piper, refusing to back down. "I already knew. And no, Jason didn't tell me—" she said, as Nico turned once more to Jason, "my mother is a love goddess. I've known since I first saw you look at him. So get over yourself. I never said anything before, nor do I plan to. You can come out in your own time, you have that right. But right now, we have bigger fish to fry. What are you talking about, losing his powers?"

            Jason quickly explained the discussion he had with Thalia, and Nico and Piper explained what they had learned as well. No one noticed when the door opened slightly, and the remainder of the crew, sans Percy, stepped in. The trio turned with a jolt as the familiar voice of their Repair Boy said, "So, kiddies, now's about that time we come up with a butt-kick plan."

So, I suck. I so suck, and I am so sorry. I leave you with a terrible joke about Piper looking like she wet her pants, and disappear for two months.

I suppose I could give excuses (all of which are valid, I promise), but I won't waste your time. I don't want to pretend you care about my problems. So, instead, I will continue to promise that there will be updates until this story is finished, but they may be very spaced out. Now is not the best time for me, but I need to write, if only to keep myself sane.

Comment, vote, follow. Love, T

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