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            The group reconvened on the deck, but not until Annabeth checked on Percy, who was still asleep. Settling in a circle, and leaving a space where Percy normally sat, the demigods began to compare notes. Hazel and Frank explained the incident with the muskeg, Jason explained Percy's reaction to the water while the two were held captive in Khione's palace, and Nico explained the possibility of Percy losing his powers. The sun had begun to set by the time everyone was filled in, and silence took over the deck. It was finally broken by Annabeth.

"So, basically, we have to make sure that Percy gets rid of his fear of water, make sure we all make it to the crossroads in one piece, and talk down the minor gods before they obliterate everyone."

"Essentially," said Nico. "Of those things, the most difficult will probably be the fear. Thalia was never able to get rid of hers."

"Well, that won't happen until we talk to Hecate and get her to remove the curse. Until then, drowning is a legitimate fear for him," Jason pointed out.

"So, what, we keep him away from water until then? You guys may not have noticed, but we are in a boat. We're surrounded by the stuff," Leo said.

"His injuries should provide enough excuse to keep him on the lower decks. And if we fly the rest of the way there, the temptation is not going to be as strong. Even he isn't going to jump into the water from thousands of feet in the air," answered Annabeth. "But that will only work so long. How far are we?"

Leo got up from his spot on the deck and walked to his navigational system. "We're less than ten minutes from the coast. From there, we would just have to find a secluded enough crossroads so as to not disturb the mortals."

"That's perfect. From there, we should be able to get Hecate's attention, and then we can talk her down." Jason stood to look toward the coast. "After that, the others should be a piece of cake."

"How will we get her attention?" asked Piper.

"I bet if I manipulated the Mist, we would catch her attention. There's no doubt in my mind that she's already keeping a close eye on us," said Hazel. "Using the abilities she taught me should provoke her into coming out."

"Sounds good," responded Jason. "Leo, did you find a good crossroads yet?"

"Just did! It's midway between St. Augustine and Jacksonville. ETA is about 15 minutes."

"All right. Every one, get ready. While this is going to be a peaceful mission, we should be prepared. Meet back up here in ten minutes," announced Jason with finality. Without a word, the demigods made their ways to their cabins, preparing for the meeting.

After collecting her armor from her cabin, Annabeth made her way to Percy's room. She was surprised to find him in the process of waking up. Gazing around his room, his eyes finally landed on her, and she smiled. Walking over, she settled on the edge of his bed and ran her fingers through his hair. "How are you feeling, Perce?"

He smiled wanly. "I'm not so bad. It's nice to actually sleep for once."

"Well, get some more of it. We're about to stop in Florida to find Hecate at a crossroads, so get some sleep while we're gone. We shouldn't be long."

Any trace of drowsiness left Percy's face instantly. "You're going to talk to Hecate and you expect me to sleep through it? Are you crazy? I'm coming with you."

"Percy, you need to rest. We'll be fine."

"Says the girl wearing armor for a mission of diplomacy."

"Says the girl who would very much like her boyfriend to continue living."

"So you admit it's going to be dangerous."

Annabeth sighed angrily, upset at being caught like that, by Percy of all people. "Maybe a little, but that's all the more reason for you to stay here. You're injured, Percy. You haven't been in good condition since before Tartarus!"

"That doesn't mean you get to leave me behind to worry like an old lady, unable to help if you need it!"

"So what, you want us to bring you with us, let your injuries get worse, while we still have no ambrosia to help you?"

"I would be fine, Annabeth. I'm not saying I want to run a marathon and fight every god in existence, I just want to join you on this mission of diplomacy. I need to be there."


"Annabeth, you and I both know that if you leave me behind now, I'm just going to follow you. Have you not noticed over the past six years? I'm terrible at following the order to stay behind."

Annabeth muttered, "That fatal flaw of yours is really going to be fatal one day."

"And it'll be worth it. Now, we should probably get up to the deck."

"I swear, Percy, if you get yourself killed..."

"Yeah, yeah, you'll bring me back from the Underworld to kill me again. I know the drill. And it'll still be worth it." Without another word, he limped his way to his armor, strapped it on, and walked up to the deck, Annabeth trailing behind, muttering about stupid loyal Seaweed Brains.

The sad part is, when the couple arrived on the deck, the rest of the crew didn't even look surprised. Jason rolled his eyes, and Hazel and Piper muttered something about stupid, rash boys. Nico pinched the bridge of his nose as if getting a headache, and Frank and Leo just continued on with their tasks. In silence, the crew landed and climbed down the ladder to the crossroads.

Well, after another huge break, I am back. Hopefully none of you thought I abandoned this story. I definitely intend to complete it, it's just taking a lot longer than I ever anticipated. Somehow, I updated more when school was going, but now...

Anyway, I'll never abandon you guys. Sorry for the long waits, but we're getting really close. There's really only a bit left after the meeting with Hecate.

So, like, comment, and follow, and I will have the next update for you as soon as I can. 

All my love,


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