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Jason woke up in time to see the tail end of Percy’s fight. As he watched him fly out into the world below, he got to his feet, flying after him.

            He launched himself out the window, looking for his friend in the air below. But he was gone.

            He rushed back into the throne room, preparing to fight, only to find the two girls and a stranger standing over a pile of dust.

            The stranger was a man, and he looked somewhat familiar. He had dark hair, and wore a Hawaiian shirt. But it wasn’t until he turned around that Jason saw the sea green eyes, and recognized Percy’s father, Poseidon, god of the seas.

            The god turned to face Jason, and demanded, “Where is my son?”

            Jason swallowed, wishing he could answer the question. “I don’t know. When I got out there, he was gone.” He immediately grew angry with the god. “A better question would be where were you when your son was nearly dead? Or when we were captured? When he was being tortured? Or when he was thrown from the window?”

            Poseidon immediately looked ashamed. “Zeus wanted us all present while they debated what to do about the giants. I had thought the problems were over, so I didn’t check on him as much as I should. When I finally did, I came right away. But I suppose I was too late.”

            The other demigods ran in. They rushed to Jason, thankful to see their friend alive and fairly well. It was Frank who pointed out that Percy wasn’t there.

            Annabeth filled in the other demigods. Nico was the first to respond to it.

            “I don’t think he’s dead. I would have felt it. He’s just…gone. It’s kind of like when he was taken by Hera.”

            “So it’s some sort of magic?”

            “Strong magic, like that of a god. That’s the only thing that could hide that powerful of an aura.”

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