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            As Percy attempted to walk as if every step wasn't agonizing, he listened to the others discuss the plan. It wasn't until they were discussing escape routes, however, that he put in his own two cents.

"Don't you think we should have parked the ship closer to the ocean, that way we can sail away quicker? Hecate would be more likely to spot us in the sky, we are less of a target in the ocean."

The remaining demigods shared a look. "Sure, Seaweed Brain, but in the sky, Jason can control the winds for defense and a quicker getaway. I mean, if you..." She trailed off, looking at Percy uncertainly.

"If I wasn't cursed and a weakling, I could provide the same in the ocean? Got it." Percy sighed, irritated both at his uselessness and the fact that his friends were so obviously hiding something from him.

After that awkward exchange, the demigods continued to the crossroads in silence. Luckily, with it being so late at night, no mortals were around. The majority of the group settled down on the ground, looking toward their youngest member with worry as she stood in the center of the crossroads. For a moment, nothing happened; Hazel simply closed her eyes and waited. Suddenly, walls rose around her, building a fortress. She held the illusion for several minutes, then allowed it to vanish, looking flushed.

"I can't hold these for too long. That was the biggest thing I could think of, but I don't think a fortress will catch her attention and get her to come."

"Good thing you brought me along," said Percy, grinning. "Because not only do I have a brilliant idea, but I'm the best at it."

"What are you talking about, Kelp Head?" asked Nico.

"What is the one trait all gods and goddesses have in common?" asked Percy.

Annabeth groaned. "Oh, no. This is a terrible idea."

"What?" asked Jason, looking confused.

"Gods are proud. Like, stupidly proud. So, what's the best way to catch their attention?" said Percy, smirking.

"Percy, you already have all these gods out to kill you. Why are you trying to ake it worse?" grumbled Annabeth.

"I'm just saying, I'm the best around at angering the gods. And if we do something to insult Hecate..."

"She'll blast us to Tartarus!" shouted Jason. Percy and Annabeth visibly flinched, and Jason felt an immediate rush of guilt. "Sorry. I just mean... It wouldn't end well. She's not going to want to listen to us if we've just insulted her."

Percy shook off the bad memories, focusing instead on the present. "It's our best shot. Why don't we leave it up to Hazel? She'll be the one doing the insulting."

The demigods turned to the daughter of Pluto, who looked shocked. After a moment, her face became resigned. "If you think it'll work, Percy, I trust you. What do you suggest?"

"Can you use the Mist to transform into Hecate?"

"Probably. It wouldn't be perfect, but it would be close enough."

"Good. Now, do that, and do the most ridiculous things you can think of. Make a fool of yourself, and it'll make Hecate look stupid."

After a moment, the demigods were looking at Hazel as Hecate. After a pause, She began to change her outfit. Rather than the Greek dress usually found on the goddess, she was now dressed in a clown costume, right down to the red nose. Doing cartwheels and flips, she began to shout, "I'm Hecate and I like to dress as a clown because---"

Whatever Hazel was about to say was cut off by a flash and a shriek. "HOW DARE YOU?"

Hazel froze, the illusion lost. "I apologize, my lady, I simply needed your attention!"

"My attention?! Why in the world would I give a lowly demigod of you the time of day? You're nothing more but a symbol of all we aim to destroy!"

"Lady Hecate!" Percy shouted, drawing the attention of the goddess. She spun, her angry gaze falling on the teen.

"Sea Spawn! I should have known. Well, brat, what? I might as well get a laugh before I send you back to Tartarus the hard way!"

Percy felt the blood drain from his face at the mention of the Pit. Swallowing, he continued, "Lady Hecate, I owe you an apology."

The crossroads was silent as the two stared each other down. Finally, Percy spoke once more. "After the Titan War, I foolishly believed that Zeus would hold to his promise. He promised a great deal, but most important of all were two things: the forgiveness of various individuals, and the expansion of his council to include the minor gods. I should have known that the airhead would never keep his promise. I should have force him to, somehow. But I failed in that regard, and for that I am truly sorry. I fully understand your rage at Olympus, but I argue it is misplaced. Don't be angry at Olympus; be angry with me, and me alone. I was the one who failed you."

The demigods standing behind him stared at the son of Poseidon, but if he noticed, he ignored it. All of his attention was focused on the goddess in front of him.

"So, son of Poseidon, you wish me to forget my years of mistreatment from Zeus, instead to rage at a child who foolishly trusted him?"

"Zeus was a horrible leader, and continues to be. But the destruction of all demigods will get you no where. Those are your children. And even if you were to destroy them, what would you do for the ones of the new age? Someone must train them, and Chiron will remember the ways of the old, which seems to be what you intend to avoid. Who will go on quests until the new demigods are able? Think it through, my lady. There are other ways."

The goddess looked at the demigod before her, a nameless expression across her face. The demigods could see her turning the idea over in her mind. Finally, she spoke. "You are smarter than your reputation claims, son of Poseidon. You speak a great many truths. Perhaps our plan is not as great as we may hope."

The demigods held their breath, unable to believe what they were hearing. Jason was the first to speak. "So, where should we go from here?"

"I still believe that the ways of Olympus need to change. There is something deeply wrong, and it must change," said Hecate firmly.

"I agree," said Percy, his face grim. "Zeus should no longer lead."

And with those words, the world around them exploded.

Ohh, a cliffy!

Are you surprised, though? I feel like the fact that I updated two days in a row is more shocking than the fact that I'm leaving you with a cliffhanger.

I'm aiming to be done with this fanfic before I have to go back to school. That means August 23. 

So, I'm hoping to have another one for you really soon, as my recently found-again love of writing is the only thing making sure I don't lose my mind before school starts.

Thanks to anyone still reading this, I truly appreciate it. Please, like, comment, and follow, and you'll be hearing from me soon!

All my love,


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