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So, I'm actually getting reads, which is beyond exciting. I hadn't really expected anyone to read this, so I'm really grateful to the twenty or so of you who have. Please, if you like my story, vote for it. And please, I'd love to hear what you guys think, so please comment. Special shoutout to @Team_percabeth for being my first vote and comment, you rock. Seeing that is kind of why I'm updating, so thank you!

I have a bunch of chapters for this written, so I'm going to upload several chapters tonight, and maybe some tomorrow if I'm lucky. Thanks for reading, and without further ado, I give you...

When Percy saw the water, he knew the fear in his gut was ridiculous. He was a son of Poseidon. The water couldn’t hurt him.

            But the second his head went under, he knew that the water wasn’t normal. It was similar to the water the nymphs used against Jason, Piper, and himself, but somehow worse. He couldn’t breathe, which of course caused him to panic. His eyes were open, and he caught flashes through the water of the things going on around him. Past his own thrashing, he could hear yelling from his friends as a flash of blond hair flew over, and the clang of something hitting metal.

            He choked on the water, and it burned his throat. He struggled, but soon felt his movements become sluggish. His eyesight went black, and he heard a roaring in his ears. He gave a few more pathetic flails, and fell into unconsciousness.


            He woke up, and the first thing he noticed was that he could breathe. He savored the feeling he had been so positive he wouldn’t experience again, breathing deeply before opening his eyes.

            He realized that he was, once again, in the bed with Jason sitting next to him. This time, however, Jason was asleep. Percy sat up slowly, and tried to decide if he should wake him up. But before he could make the decision, Jason’s eyes shot open, and he almost fell out of his chair. He regained his composure, and looked at Percy.

            “Dude. This has got to stop happening. I don’t think I’d be able to drag you up onto that bed again, you weigh a ton.”

            “I don’t exactly choose to be unconscious, you know.”

            “Still. You have been a lot lately, and it is kind of inconvenient.”

            “I’ll try to remember that the next time I’m dying.”

            “Much appreciated.”

            They both laughed, the sound strange after the past…how long? A few days, at least. It was at that point that Percy realized they had been in here for a while, and with no food or water.

            “Seriously, dude, you okay?” asked Jason, his concern evident on his face.

            “Not any less so than usual. It is freezing in here, though.”

            “That probably has to do with the fact that we are in a castle made of ice, and you are soaking wet.”

            Percy looked down and realized that his jeans and t-shirt, aside from being bloodstained, were soaked. It felt strange to actually feel the water. Normally, getting wet was his decision.

            “What kind of water was that, anyway?” wondered Jason. “What did they do to make it do that to you?”

            Percy shivered, but not so much from the cold. He was bothered, once again, by his fear of drowning. “I don’t know. But hopefully they don’t again.”

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