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“So, we got on the elevator. We had to hold the doors shut, and Bob held the button. But we finally got to the top, and you know the rest from there.”

            Percy looked at Jason for the first time since he started talking. Jason looked like he wasn’t sure what to think, like he was scared, angry, sympathetic, and sad all at the same time. It was a while before either of them spoke, but Jason finally broke the silence. “Percy… that’s insane. And terrifying. And kind of makes me want to puke.”

            “Multiply that by a thousand, and that’s how I felt down there.” Percy finally took the chance to look around him, and realized that he had absolutely no idea where they were. “Hey, Jason? Where are we?”

            Jason looked around as if just noticing the situation for the first time. “I have no idea.”

            “WELCOME, DEMIGODS!” Jason and Percy spun to face the source of the noise. Unsurprisingly, their captors weren’t friendly. Standing in all their giant glory, still smiling, were Poryphiron and Polybotes.

            “Really? I don’t feel particularly welcomed,” muttered Percy. He really wasn’t in the mood for the giants’ dramatics.

            “We want to thank you for joining us today,” started Poryphiron. “We have several plans for you, but we figured we would give you a chance to rest first. Now that you’ve had a nap, and what sounded like a lovely chat about terror, we can get this show on the road!”

            “Oh, goody. He really knows how to treat his prisoners,” whispered Jason. Percy tried to stifle a laugh, but it was difficult. It had been so long since he had laughed, it had kind of built up.

            Polybotes looked down at Percy, and his grin grew wider. “Are you volunteering to go first, son of Neptune?”

            “Poseidon. And sure, why not?” said Percy in response. He figured he might as well get this over with and kick some giant butt.

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