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            All Percy wanted was a nap.

            The effects of Piper’s charmspeak had worn off, and he was feeling it. He felt like he hadn’t had a proper sleep in months. He kept feeling his eyes close as they sat at the table in the Argo II, and each time it was more difficult to open them again. Annabeth had already poked him ten times before the meeting was officially underway.

            “So, how should we find Morpheus?” asked Frank.

            “He doesn’t really have a physical domain, as far as I know,” said Annabeth. “He kind of just appears when he feels like it, flitting through dreams.

            “But if he only appears in dreams, someone would have to be asleep, and even then there’s no guarantee,” pointed out Jason.

            Percy yawned. “The only dreams we know he’ll go into are mine. Maybe I should go to sleep.”

            “Percy, he’ll kill you!” said Hazel.

            “I don’t think he will. He could have killed me last time, and the same with Khione. But neither one did. They must not want me dead,” said Percy, stifling another yawn.

            “No, they want to make you suffer before you die, that’s all,” grumbled Nico.

            “It’s our best chance, guys. If I can talk to Morpheus while I’m asleep, I may be able to get him to stop. Then we can work on the others. Someone has to try, and it looks like I’m the only one who would be able to.” Percy rubbed his eyes.

            “Percy, that’s just insane. It is not a wise strategy, right, Annabeth?” said Piper, looking pointedly at the daughter of Athena. She had remained oddly quiet during the discussion.

            “Guys, I don’t like it either. I really don’t. But it’s our only means of contact, and we need to talk to him soon,” said Annabeth.

            The rest of the group sighed in defeat. Percy tried to smile to show he wasn’t scared, but all he was thinking about was the Acheron. He had been positive he was going to die. He wasn’t sure how great of a plan it was, considering what happened the last time. But he needed to try to get Morpheus to stand down. And if he died in the process, at least his friends wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore. He could tell they were bothered by his condition, and he didn’t want to be a distraction.

            “So that’s settled,” said Percy. “I’ll be going to sleep now. But one thing, first. Don’t wake me up, no matter what. I need to talk to Morpheus, and disappearing in the middle may not help. So, swear on the River Styx that you will not wake me up.”

            The crew swore, all looking reluctant. Percy nodded, and turned to go to his cabin. It wasn’t until he had reached his bedroom door that he realized that Annabeth was following him. He turned to look at her, his expression asking an unspoken question.

            “I already promised I wouldn’t interfere, but I am not leaving you alone. I may not be able to help, but I’m going to be here when your wake up. Got it, Seaweed Brain?”

            Percy nodded, secretly thankful that he wouldn’t be alone. He kissed Annabeth on the cheek, and the two settled into the bed. He rolled over and went to sleep, with Annabeth’s face being the last thing he saw.

I'm working on the next chapter as soon as I post this, but it may not go up right away. I have to go to work soon, so I may not finish. But if not tonight, then it should be up tomorrow! Hopefully you won't have to suffer this mini-cliffhanger too long. So read, vote, comment, and I'll talk to you in a bit! -T

The Next Great ProphecyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora