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            As the smoke cleared around the group of demigods, Jason raised his head and looked for the source of the explosion. Around him, the other demigods began to stand, looking around in confusion. At first glance, none of them appeared to be hurt.

"What in Hades was that?" demanded Annabeth. "Percy?" The blonde looked around her, but there was no sign of her boyfriend.

Jason's stomach dropped. He immediately jumped in the air, controlling the winds to get a better view from above. He wasn't sure how he missed the fact that his friend was MIA, but he was determined to find him.

Below him, the remaining demigods spread out, searching for their lost friend. Hecate seemed to have disappeared as well, but the teens were less worried for her than they were the son of Poseidon.

Jason moved further from the group, wondering if the blast could have thrown Percy that far. Suddenly, he noticed a smoking lump on the ground below.

"PERCY!" he shouted, racing toward the hero. He landed easily, falling to his knees beside the unconscious form.

Percy's eyes were closed, and Jason couldn't tell if he was breathing. Burns covered his body, angry red marks marring the usually clear skin. Jason could see bruises already forming from what had to have been a harsh landing.

He carefully placed a hand on Percy's shoulder, scared to hurt him, and attempted to rouse the boy. A closer look ar his chest revealed that he was breathing, but the breaths were irregular and shallow. With a jerk, the son of Poseidon's eyes shot open, his mouth wide in a silent scream.

"Percy? Percy, say something. Tell me what's wrong," said Jason worriedly.

After a few moments, Percy seemed to push down his obvious pain enough to function. He turned to face Jason, and said, "Dude, he was not happy. Zeus—"

Suddenly, his statement was cut off by an angry growl. "HOW DARE YOU?"

Spinning around, Jason was faced with his father, angrily baring the master bolt at the duo. "Sea Scum, you have crossed me for the last time. You dare insult me? You dare claim to know enough of Olympus to presume you can judge my leadership? Learn your place, boy. I ought to throw you into the depths of Tartarus."

Jason glanced at his friend, noting the ever increasing paleness of the skin beneath the burns. Jason cataloged the injuries, not realizing he had been keeping a running list. The bruise on his neck, the stab wound to his side, various other lacerations, and now this? It was a miracle the guy was still alive.

Jason turned back to his father, watching the continuing tirade. "You're lucky I'm feeling merciful. I'll simply blast you to pieces; where you end up is the choice of the judges of the Underworld. Move aside, Jason."

"No." Jason rose to his feet, standing between the wounded hero and the god.

"I said, move," repeated Zeus, eyes flashing in anger. Jason could feel the electricity crackling around the god.

"And I said no," answered Jason.

"Jason, stop. Move over, I don't need you to do this for me," said Percy. Jason felt the hero stand up—Jason wasn't entirely sure how it was possible—and place a hand on the younger teen's shoulder.

"Jason, I would prefer to not kill you," said Zeus, his fury evident. "But that does not mean I won't."

"Jason, I swear if you don't move—" Percy broke off with a cough, but continued his weak attempts to shove the son of Zeus aside. Jason refused to budge.

"Father, I will not move aside for you to murder my friend. He doesn't deserve to die, not with all he has done for you. He's saved Olympus twice, even retrieved your master bolt! He has saved countless lives, and prevented the loss of your throne—"

"And now he wishes to cause that loss himself! He would have me gone!"

"AND MAYBE YOU SHOULD BE!" shouted Jason, fury and protectiveness of the hero now leaning heavily on his shoulder overpowering him. He felt Percy sag, unable to support himself anymore, and Jason caught him, holding him upright. He knew Percy would never want to fall in front of Zeus.

Zeus was silent, his rage growing. He raised his bolt, aiming for the two demigods in front of him. Neither flinched.

"Go ahead," said Percy, his voice raspy. "If that's how you choose to hold power, killing anyone who feels you don't deserve it, then I would rather be dead than live here. Just remember, you may still be the king of Olympus, but everyone would get rid of you in a heartbeat."

Jason felt a surge of pride for his best friend. He couldn't have said it better himself. He looked up, and saw a flash.

Well, hello again!

I solved that cliffhanger issue for you. I got you a new one! That's what you all wanted, right?

So, fun story. While I was writing this, we were hit by a huge lightning storm. I think I may have pissed off Zeus. Oh well!

I hope you're still enjoying this, but it's almost over. I know I keep saying that, but I really mean it this time. There's really only a bit more. 

Read, review, follow! I'm literally about to write the next chapter, so I will see you soon!

All my love,


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