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The Iris message had proved difficult, but they managed to get a connection through to Chiron.

            “Yes, we did get a new prophecy. But first I must ask, where are Percy and Jason?” said Chiron, looking at the remaining demigods curiously.

            “We had hoped the prophecy might help us get that information. They’ve been…kidnapped,” answered Nico, wishing he wasn’t the one to bear the bad news.

            Chiron’s eyes grew wide. “That explains a bit of the prophecy. It goes:

                        Two will be taken when least suspected,

                        By those whose presence must be detected,

                        To find the two, six must go,

                        To find them in a world of snow.

                        Endless pain will the two face,

                        If lost, so is the human race.”

            “Endless pain?” squeaked Piper.

            Annabeth remained silent, which Nico found incredibly unnerving. Eventually, Nico asked the question that had been bothering him since the green smoke was announced. “Who asked for the prophecy?”

            “No one. We figured it to be the next Great Prophecy, and had foolishly hoped it would not be for a long while. But yet again, Percy and Jason find themselves in the center of it all.” Chiron looked at the group sadly. “I really do wonder what they did to the Fates.”

            “Well, whatever it was, we should put them through ten times worse. We had barely finished this quest!” raged Hazel, stomping her foot. Frank put an arm around her.

            Annabeth looked like she had a bit of an idea. “Thank you, Chiron. Let us know if you hear anything more.”

            “Likewise, my dear.” The connection fizzled out.

            “What’s that look, Annabeth? Please tell me you have an idea,” Nico pleaded.

            “’The world of snow…’” said Annabeth. “It’s August. Where is there snow in August?”

            “Everywhere on the other side of the world. It’d be winter for them, right?” suggested Frank, looking confused.

            “Right, but I don’t think that’s quite it. The world of snow makes it sound like it snows there all the time.”

            “Like the North Pole?” suggested Leo.

            “Not exactly what I was thinking,” replied Annabeth.

            “Oh my gods, what if it’s Khione’s castle? I mean, she is the goddess of snow. And it was snowing there when we went. And she definitely wants to kill Jason,” interjected Piper.

            Nico looked at Piper in curiosity, unsure of the majority of her statement. But Annabeth seemed to like the idea. “I bet you’re right, Piper! Leo, get us on course, quickly!”

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