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Piper and Annabeth ran into the throne room as the hurricane reached its full force. Piper stared at the scene in front of her, unsure of how it was possible.

            Percy stood at the center, looking exhausted. Jason lay behind him, and Poryphiron stood in front of him.

            The two female demigods stood in shock. Even Annabeth, who had known and fought with Percy for six years, had never seen him create a storm of this size. Not even when he and Jason worked together.

            Percy glanced at the pair in the doorway, and his look made one thing clear. He needed them to stay put. He was barely keeping the storm in control as he launched himself at the giant, and they knew he couldn’t afford the distraction of having them in the center of it.

            Piper watched in awe as Percy attacked. He moved seamlessly through Roman and Greek forms, stabbing and slashing with Riptide. He landing several gashes all over the giant, who was having difficulty keeping up with the son of Poseidon.

            For a moment, Piper could believe that Percy would win. That somehow, without the help of a god, he could defeat a giant. But she was wrong.

            Percy’s strength was quickly leaving him. His attacks became slower, and he hit the giant fewer times. The hurricane maintained its power, but seemed less controlled.

            Finally, Poryphiron got in a hit. His fist slammed into Percy, sending him flying. His own hurricane worked against him, the winds literally blowing him away. Almost in slow motion, Piper watched as his eyes closed, as he flew out the window, and as he disappeared into the sea below.

Oh, a cliffhanger! But not much of one, considering the next part will be up in a few minutes. But a few minutes of suspense!

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