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Jason was beginning to wonder why he was taken in the first place.

            Although it bothered him a lot to see one of his best friends in that condition, Jason knew that wasn’t why he was grabbed. Why was Percy the only one having anything happen to him?

            He looked over at Percy, who had fallen asleep again. He was trying not to show it, but Jason could tell that he was in pretty bad shape. Most of his injuries hadn’t healed, and the fact that he was almost drowned didn’t help much. That, combined with the fact that he had no way to dry off and their cell was freezing, made for a pretty bad situation for the son of Poseidon.

            He was thankful, though, that Percy hadn’t had another nightmare since the first night. Jason would like to think it was talking about it that helped, but it was probably just the fact that he went to sleep so beat up and exhausted he didn’t dream.

             Percy mumbled a bit in his sleep. Jason couldn’t make out the words, but he thought he heard “No, stop. Don’t please…” That was enough to make Jason want to wake him up. But before he could, the cell door opened to show Khione, grinning.

            “Hello, Jason. Fancy seeing you here,” she said, her grin never wavering.

            “Well, it’s not like I have anywhere else to go,” responded Jason.

            “Good point. Why don’t we go somewhere? Just you and me,” Khione said, raising an eyebrow.

            Jason’s immediate urge was to say no, but he thought about his answer. If it really was just the two of them, he might be able to overpower her. A long shot, but it would be better to try than just sit here until he died.

            “Sure, why not?”

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