Part 37 - Can't Get You Out Of My Head

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Where could you go after telling Tony that you needed some time to clear your head? Who else could be better to stand by you other than your best friend? Thankfully, Anne was more than eager to be there for you when you called her and asked her to go over to her house.

"Hey" you nervously smile as you stand on Anne's front door.

"Hey, come in" she quickly holds the door wide open so that you can enter.

Holding your bag, you get inside and allow yourself to desperately collapse on her couch. You're not in a good mood obviously and that fight with Tony is the reason.

"So, trouble in paradise?" she breaks the silence, sitting next to you.

"He's just so ugh sometimes" you complain against a pillow.

"What did he do this time?" she rolls her eyes.

"If I tell you you're just going to hate him even more and I really don't want that" you shake your head.

"I really won't, he's actually surprised me. You're living together for weeks and he's been an angel" she comments.

"Uh, he really has" you daydream of these good weeks for a bit.

"Come on, what did he do?" Anne pokes your lying body.

You let your bag fall on the floor, turn your body around and hug a pillow as you look straight at her. She's waiting patiently for you to start speaking but she's letting you aware of the fact with her look.

"He kinda-Well, not kinda... he kept the sex tapes he made with other women and..." you have to pause and shut your eyes.

"And what!?" Anne asks.

"Some of them were women that he cheated on me with" you admit and hide your face with the pillow to hide your shame.

"That motherf*cker" Anne gasps.

"I know" you groan.

"What did he say about it?" she holds you softly to read you.

"Well, he said that he doesn't watch any of it and doesn't care about it" you say.

"Do you believe him?" she asks.

"I don't know... I think I do. I mean, he did look genuine while talking about it" you admit.

"Okay, that's a good sign I guess" she doesn't sound very convincing.

"Why are you saying it like that?" you crease your eyebrows.

"We know that he's a good liar, I wouldn't be surprised if he was lying again" her words hurt you.

She's not wrong. All those memories of when you found out Tony was cheating on you came back. He was able to hide something like this for so long and he even denied it at first, so why wouldn't he lie to save himself again? This is all getting so frustrating, the thoughts are hurting you brain.

"Ughhhh" you groan and push the pillow hard on your face again.

"Hey, I'm not saying that this is what's happening. You confronted him, if you think he's saying the truth then follow your instinct" she says calmer this time.

"I just need a couple of days to clear my head. Can I stay here?" you ask her.

"You can stay here tonight but I have to go out of town tomorrow. I can leave you the keys if you want to though" she replies.

"No, it's okay. I'll find somewhere else to crush for tomorrow" you give her a smile.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" she asks.

"Honestly, I would really appreciate a calm night in. No fights, no drama, just some relaxation" you admit.

"Then that's exactly what we're doing" she immediately agrees.

Indeed, you stayed home with some wine and appetisers, enjoyed the company of a good movie and later a pizza. You hadn't spent a night like this together in a very long time so it was a very nice change.

Although, the following day you still had to find a place to crush. Maybe it wasn't a great idea to leave your old house with no stuff inside, you could really use it at a time like this. But thankfully, you found another friend to be there for you in this time of need.

"Seb" you smile and open your arms, preparing for a hug.

"Hey, Alice" he accepts your hug and hugs you back.

"I'm sorry for the last minute warning, hope I didn't ruin any plans you might've had" you say with guilt.

You asked him to stay over for the night during work. That's when you got the idea to ask for his help and he didn't hesitate to agree to help. He's always been there for you and helpful, it's no surprise that he's helping you out again this time.

"I'm very tired from work today so no, I didn't have any plans. But don't stand there, come in" he welcomes you inside.

You went back to Anne's place after work with her to get your things and then drove yourself to Sebastian's. Tony has texted and called you a few times. You didn't ignore him completely but you weren't very cooperative either. He asked where you have been staying but since you didn't want him to show up out of the blue you didn't tell him.

"Thank you" you express your gratitude and settle down your things.

"Should I ask what's wrong with you and Tony? Or is that something you'd rather not talk about?" he asks carefully.

"Actually, I would prefer if we didn't talk about it. I'm trying to get it out of my head" you say quietly.

"And that's totally fine. You can have the bedroom for tonight, I'll sleep on the couch" he says.

"No, no, no, I'll sleep on the couch. You shouldn't leave your bedroom" you immediately reply.

"Alice, it's fine. Something tells me you're going to sleep in late anyway. I'll wake up early, make breakfast and after we enjoy a chill Saturday morning you can open your heart to me if you feel like it" he suggests.

"Fine, but only as long as I make something for dinner tonight" you smile.

"Help yourself out with whatever you find in the kitchen" he also smiles.

With a delicious dinner and very nice and friendly atmosphere, the night came to an end and you indeed fell into a deep sleep. Those two nights really helped you throw some weight off your shoulders and surprisingly, spending some time with your friends instead of with Tony made you feel refreshed.

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