Chapter 28

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Yup. Back at it with another chapter. We're going to continue to see even more ramifications of our MC's actions from two chapters prior, and you know what else?

 We're going to continue to see even more ramifications of our MC's actions from two chapters prior, and you know what else?

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How crazy?

I don't know, man.

Probably not that much...

Or will it???

Read on to find out!


Y/N sat in the middle of the campground courtyard, a clipboard in hand and ready to help anyone who needed it, whether it be student or teacher.

Unfortunately, the uncharacteristically unfriendly look of irritation that was tattooed on his face, coupled with the extremely negative vibes that he was giving off was, alone, enough of a reason for people to not ask him for help. And this only served to turn his demeanor even more sour.

After Y/N and Michiko had met up with Nera as she had instructed, the sport director wasted no time setting the young man to work and intentionally giving him an unreasonable amount of responsibilities and demands to keep up with.

One might have considered the amount of responsibilities he was given 'unreasonable' under normal circumstances, but Y/N and Michiko both knew that these weren't 'normal circumstances'. This was the young man's 'alternate punishment' that Michiko had suggested. As such, there was no point in arguing against it; It was either this, or Y/N spending the rest of the camping trip in his room. And due to not waiting Michiko's efforts to go to waste, Y/N begrudgingly set to work, helping set up the various booths around the camp.

After doing so, he had then offered many different committees his assistance for any food preparations, cooking help, or anything else they might have needed, but thanks to the fact that word of his 'actions' had spread around camp like gonorrhea at a music festival, his fellow classmates were all quick to decline, each of them speaking in a demeanor that told Y/N that they were now viewing him in a different light and weren't sure if they should be afraid of him or not.

And so, despite the fact that Y/N was initially expecting to be worked to the bone, he instead sat on a bench alone and watched each of the committees doing their own thing, all while remaining jobless.

Michiko, on the other hand, had no such difficulty finding work. And unfortunately, didn't seem to be doing a very good job of vouching for the young man's offerings of help. Anytime she had brought it up to anyone who would badger her whenever she was helping someone else, everyone was quick to reject her offer.

'Tch...' Y/N thought in annoyance. 'You move heaven and hell for people, trying to be the guy that makes a good name for himself over the years. The kind of guy that everyone can depend on for any situation whatsoever. And for what? After everything I've done for them, they turn their backs on me the moment they see me in a different light. Typical...'

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