Chapter 29

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Surprise update!

I'm here to chew new chapters and post bubblegum!

And I'm all out of bubble gum!


...Anyway, if it wasn't already apparent, the new chapter is here. Our last chapter left off with our MC in quite a rocky situation. Let's see how things go from here.

I guess it goes without saying that there's going to be a obligatory apology for me taking forever to get this chapter out at the end of it. 😅 I really am sorry about that though. Burnout can be a real bitch.

Also, I apologize if the latter half of the chapter seems a bit rushed. I won't say it wasn't and I won't say it was, but it's been kind of weird transitioning from Pokémania back to this story. Anyway, enjoy



You know, I've read a lot of stories in my life, and a recurring theme that is common at the end of some book chapters is something called a 'cliffhanger'. And I know why authors would want to end a chapter or story on one: because they want to build up hype and suspense for what happens next. And honestly, as frustrating as cliffhangers could be, that kind of stuff always really excited me and made me even more eager to continue the journey that the story had to offer. I love those kinds of cliffhangers. Now, the kind of cliffhangers I don't like?

The literal kind.

Like right now, for example: I'm over here, clinging for dear life on the edge of a cliff, my grip on a small rock jutting off the side being the only thing keeping me from a 100 ft drop that would most likely end with me becoming acquainted with the Almighty. (If not breaking nearly every bone in my body at the very least.)

Under normal circumstances, I most likely could have scaled this without any issue; Rock climbing was an activity that Yoba And I partook in regularly. After all, I was only about maybe 6 to 8 feet from the top edge of the cliff where safety was. Unfortunately, these weren't exactly 'normal' circumstances...

The good news? I had managed to yank Stars back to safety. That's what mattered the most. But when gravity remember that it existed, and managed to grab a hold of me, I had managed to catch myself on a rock ledge that I'm currently clinging onto right now before I fell too far down and hit terminal velocity. So fortunately, I'm still alive...for the time being, at least.

The bad news? Yeah, I had managed to grab onto the rock edge with my left hand, sure. But, unfortunately, I couldn't stop my momentum from causing my body to smack against the side of the cliff, hitting my entire right side against the incredibly solid surface. Upon doing so, I felt an intense pain shooting throughout almost the entirety of the right side of my body, especially in my arm length up to my shoulder.

I knew immediately from the amount of pain I felt that something had to be broken. Not to mention that any attempt to move my arm to gauge the severity of the damage just made the pain worse. So now, not only I was stuck on a cliff side, I was left with an appendage that was unable to bear my weight.

Shit...Of all things, it just had to be my arm. Couldn't have been a leg, could it? Had it been a leg, it probably wouldn't have been as big a deal; I've gone rock climbing at the gym using pure upper body before. But seeing as my arm is in a bad state, I can't really use it for trying to get back to the top. Yeah...I'm really stuck in a pickle here. I'm ambidextrous, yeah, but that's really not going to do me much good here if I can't actually use the arm!

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