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️"i promise i'll keep in touch with you, i'm never letting you go."

Forty eight months ago Alexander moved to London, forty seven months ago he broke his promise.

Now twenty three years old, Alexander Evans was still living in London with her three brothers and parents, oh and the little four year old boy running around the place that calls Alex 'mommy'.

She found out she was pregnant a few weeks into moving to England, she told her parents straight away, she couldn't hide it. Unexpectedly, they were both understanding and reassured Alex that they would be there for her, and they kept to their word, just a shame that other people don't.

Alexander fell in love with her little baby boy when he was born on the second of June, the bundle of joy that has brought happiness to her life once again.

"Alexander," Marlene, Alex's mother shouted from the kitchen, she needed to tell Alex that she had to get her and her child ready for the game later today.

The sound of small feet running into the kitchen made Marlene turn around to be faced with the cheeky little boy that was her grandchild. "Yeah?" An exhausted Alexander followed, her boy had kept her up last night wanting to play games.

"Your father said he's booked the private box at the Emirates for the Champions League game tonight, he wants you all to go," Marlene informed her daughter. The family since moving to London have become long supporters of Arsenal FC, the family business was a main sponsor of the club.

Alex thought for a second, this wasn't the first time she had been to a football game, she'd been to many with her brothers and father as she loved the sport, "yeah okay, time?"

"It kicks off at eight pm but your father wants to go at half past six because he's meeting with the manager and chairman, something about the sponsor," Alexander's mother shrugged her shoulders, she didn't know much about the sponsor as she wasn't that involved with the business.

"Sure, is Kai, Konrad and Kurtis going?" Alex asked, she hadn't seen Kai for a few days seen as he moved into an apartment closer to Central London last year when he turned twenty five.

"Yes, he'll be here for an early dinner around five, it's nearly four now so go and get yourself and Marco ready," Marlene told her before turning back to preparing the dinner.

"Marco, come on sweetie," Alexander held her hand out for her little boy to take and walked off to his room which was next to her own. Marco Reus Junior was what she had named her son but it was Marco Evans to her family, her parents thought the boy was the product of a one-night stand, expect for Kai.

Kai knew everything after Marco broke his promise, Alex had to tell someone about what happened with him and she trusted Kai. She of course though had to stop him for telling their parents and him going to Germany to 'have it out with him'.

She had named her son after the boy that broke her heart because she could always remember Marco saying "if I had ever a son, he will be named after me because he will follow in my footsteps and become a footballer." and as much as Alexander hated him for what he did four years ago, she gave him exactly that.

Since that day four years ago, Kai has been the most protective over Alexander and Marco, he always wanted to know if Alex was dating or had a boyfriend, always offering to look after Marco, he was there to help her as much as he could.

"What football top do you want on today?" Alex asked her son who was sat with some of his toys on his bed, she was finding him an outfit out for the evening.

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