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love is just a word, until somebody arrives and gives it a meaning•

Kai wasn't happy with Alex's decision to head back to Dortmund, he accepted her reasons, but he just didn't want her heart getting broken by Marco again. He cared a lot for his younger sister and he could not see her go through what she did once again.

Alexander hadn't informed her family of her decision, she guessed that Kai would eventually when they cared to ask. However, she knew about her father punching Marco, and was shocked as she did not think that he was capable of that.

Pulling up to Marco's house, she frowned at the amount of cars in the driveway, Marco had a lot of cars but not this many. "Do you have people over?" Alex turned to ask Marco.

Marco shook his head, "I didn't invite anyone." He did not know why his family had all invited themselves to his house. He loved his family but hated it when they did this, they would all show up at his house with not warning, or invite by the German. "It's my parents and sisters, fuck."

Alex began to get nervous, she had met Yvonne but did not end on the nicest of terms and she wasn't prepared to even meet the rest of his family. "I don't think I can come in Marco."

Marco gently put his arm around Alex and pulled her into a hug. He didn't think it was the right time either, with none of them having knowledge of him being a father. "Why don't you and Marco go into the centre of Dortmund, and shop a little and then I'll call you when they've gone."

Alexander nodded, she knew this was the best decision. Once Marco had exited the taxi, taking their bags, Alex and Junior headed into Dortmund.

"Mother, father," Marco briefly kissed his mom on the cheek, and pulled his old man into a hug. He hadn't seen them for nearly two weeks, but he wished they had warned him of their visit. Nico and baby Mia came running around the counter and hugged their Uncles legs, while Yvonne and Melanie followed and hugged their baby brother.

Sitting at the counter in the kitchen, Marco still wondered why the family was around his home, "can I ask why you are all here?"

"We haven't seen you in a while son, we came to visit," Manuela spoke, she missed seeing her son regularly but with his football becoming a top priority over the recent years, she wasn't too fussed.

"Please call next time mother, I could've been doing anything, even sleeping!" Marco replied, but couldn't help notice the way Yvonne was looking at him.

"But you weren't, you were in London," Melanie gave her input, her brother was acting a tad stranger than usual, and she guessed the whole family could see it.

"Only visiting some old friends, I had two days off, a change of scenery did me good," Marco smiled, he was so glad how the trip to London went, he finally could be the father he wanted to be to his son and couldn't wait for the times ahead.

After an hour of small talk and catching up, the Reus family decided to leave their son and return back to their homes. Marco exhaled as he shut the door behind them, it was nearing five pm and he was getting hungry.

"They've gone Al, come home whenever you want," Marco smiled on the phone, he couldn't wait to see his son again, he was missing him already even only after an hour. However, the next problem the new father occurred was re-decorating one of the guest rooms so it was more child-friendly for Junior.

"Home? Marco, I'd rather stay in a hotel," Alex bit her lip, she didn't know how she felt about Marco calling his home, her home.

"I'd rather you stay in my home Al, at least then I get to see Junior every minute of every day, and you don't have to pay for hotel fees. You don't even know how long you'll be in Dortmund," Marco attempted at persuading Alex to stay at his place, it was a large house and he got lonely sometimes. He could do with someone there.

Finding You • Marco ReusWhere stories live. Discover now