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we had the right love, at the wrong time

Marco had, had enough of waiting to speak to Alex, he had just returned back to the hotel from training the next day and knew this was his only chance before Kai and his brothers got back from Dortmund.

Knocking on her door, Marco was stunned to see the little boy also called Marco answer it. He bent down to the four year old level, "is your mommy in?" he asked.

Marco Junior nodded his head, he didn't know who the man was standing at the door but had seen him on the football pitch a few times to know he was a professional footballer.

He soon ran off back to the few toys that he was playing with on the floor, Alex was standing out on the balcony on the phone to Luke.

Marco noticed Alex and saw she was on the phone so decided against bothering her until she was finished. He sat down opposite Junior, "you like cars?" he asked the small boy.

Junior nodded his head. "What's your favourite?" Reus smiled, he adored his Nephew Nico and Marco reminded him of him. Junior picked up a car that he wasn't playing with at that moment, it was a Porsche.

Alexander put her phone back into her pocket and turned off to see if her son was still playing with his cars but jumped at the sight of Marco sitting with him.

"Marco?" Alex asked as she walked back into her hotel room. Marco got to his feet, sending a half smile to Alex, he was nervous about how she would take what he had to say.

"Sorry, Marco opened the door and let me in."

"Marco, you should know not to open the door to strangers," Alexander told her son, who mumbled a 'sorry' in response.

"Why are you here?" She turned her attention back to the older Marco.

"Can we go onto the balcony? To talk in private?" Marco asked. Alex nodded, telling her son again not to open the door if anyone knocks and following Marco out onto the balcony.

Marco stood, staring out at City of Berlin, he knew this was his only chance to get everything out.

Alexander stared at Marco, she didn't know what he wanted to say but was scared incase it had anything to do with her son. The features between both Marcos were similar, it was only a matter of time that he would figure out that he was a father.

"My brothers could be back anytime soon," Alex mumbled, she wanted this 'chat' over and done with, she knew it could change her perspective on how she saw Marco as a person now.

Marco nodded, he took a seat opposite Alex at the small table. "I don't know..or how you understand the things that went on between us four years ago. But I need you to know what actually happened, as to why I didn't or couldn't talk to you again."

Alexander sighed, a part of her was happy it wasn't concerning her son but also didn't want this conversation either. She didn't want to relive to pain that she had to go through. "I waited for ages to hear of you, and I got nothing. You will never fully understand the pain and heartbreak you put me through Marco."

"It wasn't my fault," Marco replied. It wasn't his decision and he wished he had been more strong to overrule it. "Listen to me okay Alex."

She barley nodded in response. "When you left, in a basic way, it fucked me over big time. I don't know if you watched any of my games the days after you moved but I wasn't performing well, I was letting my team down, myself down and especially you down. You always encouraged me to work my hardest and give it all and I wasn't. I got benched a few games after so my agent asked to meet me." Marco started off.

Finding You • Marco ReusWhere stories live. Discover now