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you have to go through the worse, to get to the best

"The season finishes tomorrow Al, I would like you and Junior there," Marco had just returned back from his training session, where he had told his whole team of Marco Junior. It was easier than telling his parents, and he was glad to see that his teammates couldn't wait to meet the little boy.

"Maybe," Alex murmured as she got ready for work, she was working until closing hours today and hoped Marco was capable of feeding, washing and then putting Junior to bed.

"If you don't feel up to coming, I still would like Junior there, he can go with my family," Marco suggested, he knew Alex wasn't ready to meet his team nor the wags that sat in the stands, she knew some of the players from the olden days but times change and so do people.

"As long as they are okay with keeping an eye on him Marco, but I'll decide tomorrow if I'll come along," Alex knew this was a big deal for Marco, but she didn't want the hassle of the press nor the stress of meeting new people. She still wasn't adjusting to this life that she had to live now.

• • •

Making her way through the stand, Alex was nervous to see how the next two hours went. Finding her seat, she sat down with Junior next to her. Marco Junior was wearing a Dortmund jersey that Marco had recently brought for him, but thankfully it only had "Marco" on the back of it.

Alexander had only decided to come due to Marco's sisters not being able to attend, she knew her son wanted to see his father play so it was down to her to bring him.

She knew she was sitting with the rest of the players families but Alex couldn't let it bother her, she was here for her son and that was all that mattered. Throughout the game, Alex felt the stares of some of the other women around her, it made Alex uncomfortable and she just wanted the game to finish. The brown haired women could not help but notice the loud-mouth blonde who was seated in front of her throughout the game. She was always on the phone to whomever and her obnoxiousness was getting on Alex's nerves.

"Good game," Alex smiled at her baby daddy as Marco approached both her and Junior in the tunnel. The game had finished a few moments ago, meaning Alex had to give Junior to Marco as he wanted to take his son out onto the pitch while the team thanked all of the fans.

Alexander was nervous about this, she knew it would cause an uproar in the press, and everyone else. Nobody apart from the team and Marco's parents knew of Marco being a father, and it frightened Alex to think what will happen within the next few days.

"It'll be fine," Marco spoke to Alex as he took Junior of her. He guessed by the look on her face that she was worried, but Marco knew this is what he wanted. He wanted the world to know of his son, and this was one way of doing so. "If you don't want people to know yet, I can just say he's my cousin."

Alex shook her head, she knew it had to come out sooner or later, and Alex knew that Marco wanted to show his son off as much as possible. "I'll be waiting right here sweetie," Alex pulled down her sons top, and adjusted his hair. This was a big moment for all three of them, and she hoped it went well.

Walking back out onto the field, Marco headed towards his teammates in the centre circle and sat on the pitch next to Aubameyang and Curtys.

Marco Junior was sat in between his fathers legs, staring at the stadium in front of him, "it's really loud papa," he looked up at his father, holding his hands over his ears.

"Do you want to go back to your mommy?" Marco frowned, he knew it was going to be too loud for the little boy but he wanted him to stay out. Much to Marco's pleasure, Junior shook his head.

Finding You • Marco ReusWhere stories live. Discover now