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goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with their heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation•

"Please come to my game today Al," Marco begged for the what felt like the 900th time. It was now Saturday and Alexander went home tomorrow. Marco wanted Alex and her son to come to his game, they had been getting on so well the last week and it was a shame that it had to come to an end. As much as Marco would like Alexander to stay in Dortmund, he knew it would be impossible. However, the week spent together allowed them to be on a friendly basis, which made Marco a very happy German.

"I don't know Marco, you know how to media have been this week. They think I'm your secret girlfriend and he's your love child!" Alexander laughed, pointing at her son. Alex sighed, she knew her son would like to go as he was football mad, but she did not feel as if she could sit around the players wife's and girlfriends.

It would only lead to more suspicions surrounding her and Marco, and she had, had enough of that already this week.  She did not like how to media been falsely reporting stories that were centred around her son, she did not want her son to be in the limelight however, she knew that would happen when everyone found out that Marco Reus was his dad.

Kaiser had rang Alexander only that night when the pictures were all over social media, and let's just say, it wasn't the nicest of calls she could of received from her older brother. 

She was thankfully that she had came to Dortmund last week, it allowed her and Marco to become a lot more closer as friends, but it also allowed Marco and their son to bond more, even if neither of them knew who they were to each other. Marco has been insisting all week to spend time with the little boy, he had been taking the boy into his garden and teaching him football skills, while also playing xbox with him and playing with his toys. This also enabled the younger Marco to take a liking to the older German, meaning that when Alex told both of them the truth, this week would have hopefully made it easier.

"For me?" Marco carried on begging, he wanted her to come so desperately.

"Let me think about it?" Alexander asked, she didn't want to go but she knew Marco wanted her there.

"Okay, now can I have your answer?" Marco chuckled, he needed to know soon or he would give his tickets to others.

"That was like two seconds Marco," Alex laughed. "If I say yes, will you stop be annoying?"

"Come on Al, you should know me, I'm always annoying," Marco smirked and with that he took the younger Marco into the garden to play some football.

A knock on Marco's door made Alexander sigh, and since Marco was halfway down his garden, it looked like she would have to answer it. "Hello?" Alexander said as she looked at a tall women with a little girl in his arms and a older boy by the side of her. The women looked familiar but Alex couldn't put her face to a name.

The women on Marco's doorstep looked confused, she had never seen this girl in front of her before, and she just hoped it wasn't one of Marco's one-night stands. "Is Marco home?" Alexander nodded, and allowed them to step into Marco's house before going off to find the man that was wanted.

Alex stood in the doorway of the living area with her son by her side as Marco went over to greet the women and the two children. "Yvonne!" Marco hugged his older sister, before bending down to the children's heights. Alexander swallowed as she realised who the women was, it was Marco's sister and her children. She had never met Marco's family, their relationship was always a secret, and she wished it to stay that way.

Finding You • Marco ReusWhere stories live. Discover now