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"Morning Alex," Marco greeted the mother of his child as he entered the kitchen. "Where's Junior?"

"In the living room watching some cartoon," Alex mumbled back. Last night was still on her mind along with other things. All she knew is that she wanted to go and see her older brother for advice and help with the whole situation. Kaiser was there for Alex when she needed him, and now was one of those times.

Marco nodded as he sensed Alex wasn't up for small talk. The tensions were high and he thought that if he gave the day to Alex while he took Junior out, it would calm things down. Going to walk through the door to the living area, Alex stopped him, "I think I'm going to go back to London for a few days, maybe a week."

The footballer frowned as he turned back to face Alex. "Why?" Marco asked, confused as to why she would want to go back so soon.

"I just miss Kaiser and my family. I would be going alone though, meaning it would give you time to bond with Junior but also so you can have ago at looking after Junior by yourself," Alex replied. She had thought this through all night, after getting little sleep and she knew this is what she wanted to do.

"Is this because of last night?" Marco enquired, he didn't get the reasons why and could sense something was up with Alex.

"No. Not at all Marco. I just think it would be good for the both of us to have a little time apart."

Marco shrugged, they didn't need time apart, he thought. "I'm going on tour with the team next week Al, you promised you'd stay in Dortmund with Junior so I know you're safe," Marco pressed, he would enjoy time alone with Junior like he was planning on having today, but Alex didn't need to go back to London for that.

"Yes and I know that Marco!" Alex sighed, rubbing a hand through her hair. "I will be back a day or two before then. I'm going in a few hours," Alex finished off in the kitchen and headed towards the door to go off upstairs.

• • •

Sitting Junior up on the kitchen counter, Alex turned his SnapBack around so that she could see her sons face. Yvonne was in the room as she had brought Nico over as Marco had planned to look after the two little boys for the day.

"Now you best be good for Papa while I'm going to see Uncle Kai. I'll miss you sweetie but I'll be back very soon," Alex smiled at her little boy. "Promise me you'll be good Junior."

Marco Junior nodded, "Promise me you'll be back mommy." He held out his little finger to make a pinky promise which Alex did back, before pulling him into a hug.

As Junior ran off back to find Nico and Marco who had gone outside, Alex collected her bag and looked over at Yvonne who was staring at her.

"My parents didn't mean to be rude to you last night Alex, they just want to understand the whole situation."

Alex nodded, it was understandable they had questions, "I don't even understand the situation Yvonne, I'm just doing what I think best for my son."

"And they are trying to do see what best for theirs. Marco is their pride and joy because of him being their only son, they care a lot for him and they want to be able to care for their grandson as well as you," Yvonne tried to make Alex understand where her parents were coming from. Alex nodded, looking at her watch, she said her goodbyes to Yvonne and Marco before heading off to the airport.

• • •

"I'm sorry Alex but what? I don't think I heard correctly," Kaiser slightly raised his voice after anger stemmed from what he was just told. Alex had been in the country for one hour and it was already bad news.

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