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•now matter how much time goes by, i'll never forgot the first time you looked at me and how i fell in love•

The friendly had already started, Germany were playing against Australia and from the first opening ten minutes, everyone in the stadium could tell it was going to be difficult.

Marco Reus was starting, along with Mario Götze up front. Alexander and her siblings along with Marco Junior were enjoying the game from a box in the stands, which also seated other wags and family.

As promised, Alex was wearing Mesut's jersey that he had given her which caused speculation amongst the other wags as to if she was his girlfriend and that was their child.

Kaiser had overheard the conversation about his sister but decided against saying anything, he didn't want to draw any attention to himself or make matters worse for Alex.

On the seventeen minute, it of course had to be Marco Reus that found the net, putting Germany in the lead. He celebrated with Mario and the other players before walking back to his starting position to get the game started again. He was feeling good that he had found the net, even if it was a friendly, he enjoyed playing for his country.

Before the referee blew to start off the game again, Marco glanced up into the stands to see if he could see Alexander or his once close friend Kai. He had a feeling they could be here to watch the game.

Alexander sat her son on her lap once they had sat down from cheering the goal, she didn't mind that it was Reus that had scored, she was here to cheer for Mesut and the rest of Germany.

Marco found the brunette amongst the other wags, with the child that had ran up to Mesut last night sitting on her lap. It did make him wonder if she was more than just friends with Mesut. He knew this was where the 'bro code' should come into the situation but due to Mesut not even knowing of Alexander's and Marco's past together, Marco had no power of stopping whatever was going on between the two of them.

Neither him, Mario or Bastian had time to ask Mesut last night if he was dating Alexander or if the child was his own. Mario and Bastian were gossips in the squad and by the time training had ended this morning, most of the team was informed of the small event that had happened between Mesut and the mystery brunette.

The game continued and before half time, Australia had levelled up the score making it one-one.

The two youngest siblings had gone off to the toilet at half time, leaving Kai and Alex in the box along with a few other wags that had also stayed.

Alexander had heard some of the other girls speaking off her in the game, it made her feel uncomfortable but she wasn't going to let anyone know that.

"Have you heard them talking about me?" Alexander asked Kai quietly, he nodded in response.

"You shouldn't let it worry you, they don't know anything," Kaiser replied, Alex shrugged her shoulders and looked down to her son who was standing in between her legs.

"Did you see him staring up in this direction throughout the first half Kai?" Alexander whispered, she hadn't told Kaiser what had happened the night before in the hotel lobby.

"I wasn't focused on him, you shouldn't be either, Alex bitte." Kaiser sighed.

"I wasn't, I just noticed that's all." Alexander lied, she was focused on him for most of the first half, she couldn't help herself.

The game ended in a two-two draw, Australia led until Lukas Podolski scored who had come on for Marco Reus.

The siblings stayed in the box while the rest of the stadium emptied out, they were meeting with Mesut so they had to wait for him to change.

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