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•she loved him most when he loved her least

The next day the German Team left to play another friendly against USA in Munich, meaning that Alexander and her brothers along with her son, flew back to England.

After the encounter in Alex's hotel bedroom two days ago, Marco has since not spoken to her as the words that were said were not the nicest. Marco thought he should leave it a few more days until the international friendly week was over before attempting to get back in touch with Alexander as he thought it was for the best.

Before he was scheduled to return to training for Dortmund, he had a day off and on the day he had planned to fly to London and attempt to find Alex there. Marco knew that Mesut was close with her family, so he should have an idea of what part of London they live in.

Alexander however, was glad that she was finally back at her family home and away from Marco. She didn't like the way they first met after all those years, as it was the not the way she'd wished it had gone.

Alex walked back into her bedroom after settling Junior down for his afternoon nap, and sat alongside Luke on her sofa.

"Has he gone to bed okay?" Luke asked, locking his phone and putting it down next to him. Alex nodded, she was still thinking about what happened in Germany, however she hadn't told Luke anything about it.

"Alex?" Snapping out of her thoughts, she turned her head and faced Luke, "yeah?".

"Who actually is Marco's dad then? Considering he keeps calling me dad, I thought I'd ask..." Luke asked, he had being thinking about it for a while now and wanted to know the answer. He thought if he knew who the little boys dad was, he would feel like he could help more in a way.

Alex shook her head, "nobody, I've already told you, it was a one night stand with some random boy in a club...that's all I remember. I don't even know his name." She lied.

"Have you not ever thought about tracking him down?" Luke questioned.

Alex looked at him confused but angrily, "how could I? I didn't even know his name Luke, stop asking me questions about his dad when I know nothing!" And with that, she got up and went downstairs.

Alex didn't want Luke to continue to bother her about Juniors dad, it made her quite mad thinking about Marco and what he did. He was the last person she wanted on her mind, but somehow, he was always there.

• • •

Marco landed safety at London Airport. Mesut had finally given in, in to telling Marco about where the Evans' lived. Marco had to create some fake story about how she forgot some of her sons toys back the hotel and he wanted to hand them to her personally. Mesut Özil was confused as to why he wanted too, but didn't asked and left it.

Marco took a deep breath before he went to knock on her door. He was scared to see who opened it, he was hoping it wouldn't be Kaiser to say the least.

He cut his eyes at who opened the door, he had never seen this boy before and wondered who he was. "Can I help you?" Luke asked, he knew who was standing in front of him but was a little confused as to why Marco Reus was on Alex's doorstep.

"Is Al-ex in" Marco asked. All he wanted to do was to speak with Alex more and hope that they can forget about the past and become friends. He missed her dearly and wanted Alex back in his life.

"Yeah she is," he turned around and called for Alex to come to the door. Alex got up from watching a cartoon with her son and wondered who could be knocking on her family door for her. She looked at Luke confused, before her eyes met his and her heart dropped.

"Give us a sec Luke, go and watch Marco for me," Alexander asked as she gathered that Luke wasn't going anywhere. Once out of sight, she turned to Marco, "what are you doing here?!"

"I came to speak with you." Marco told her, he hadn't expected there to be anyone else home but Alex.

"Not right now," she looked back at her son with Luke, "not ever either, I have nothing to say to you."

"I just want another chance of explaining, seeing you again made me realise that I fucked up so badly, I was a young, naive boy and the things I did to you were completely out of order Al." Alex took a deep breath when he call her, her old nickname. Nobody has called her that since she left Dortmund all those years ago.

With Alex not knowing what to reply, Marco continued, "I'm truly sorry Al, I really am. I know all the words in the world would not make it up to you with what I did, but I need you back in my life. I miss you Al." Marco felt a tear roll down his face, he truly did miss his old love, he still loved her!

"Marco..." Alexander started but couldn't finish as she could not put her feelings right now into words. "I'll go, okay? Sorry for bothering you again Al, but just remember I flew all the way here just to say that." And with that, Marco turned around and started to walk off down the drive and to his rental car.

"'Marco wait!" Alex ran after him, Marco spun back around and they were face to face. "I missed you too, but the pain and heart ache you put me through was too much to handle. But I do hope, from this, we can move forward."

"I hope so too, my plane leaves at 8pm tonight, is it possible to see you before I leave?" Marco asked, he didn't want to get his hopes up because he felt like it was too soon. However, he was surprised in Alex's response as she agreed to meet him later again. He would come by her house in the evening when the family went out for a meal, leaving him and Alex to talk about everything properly.

Marco and Alex shared a smile, and before climbing into his car, they hugged briefly. However, neither of them knew that Luke was watching from the window of the living area, and it now made him wonder what has gone on between Alex and Marco in the past.

He was going to get to the bottom of all of this mystery Alexander had about her.


let's see if anyone still reads this seen as I haven't updated in like nearly a year oops.

apologies on that, i started college and too much work but i have finished now.

reading stories on wattpad again has made me find my love for writing again, so i hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it's a tad boring...

hopefully more to come!

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