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life becomes more meaningful when you realise the simple fact that you'll never get the same moment twice

As soon as the boat docked, Alex and Junior quickly left after saying a goodbye to Marco and Alex hasn't spoken to him since.

It's been exactly a week now and there had been no communication from Alex to Marco, there had been press about at the time of that kiss and the picture of the two of them sharing a moment was all over the world. Something neither of them wanted.

It had not been made public from Marco's end of him becoming a father, still a good three months after he found out and the press were causing a lot of speculation. Marco felt pressured to come clean, but he knew that's when Alex's and Junior's life's would change forever. There would be no going back after he made his statement and cleared the air with the world. However, he didn't want to do it without having both of them close to him, whether it be in Dortmund or in his home. He didn't like the fact they were back in England, and he couldn't be there for his son or Alex.

He needed to ensure that Alex was over in Dortmund safe when he made the statement, he was going away on tour with the team in 10 days and he knew he had to do something before then.

Grabbing a bag of clothes and his passport, Marco headed to Düsseldorf airport where he would catch the next plane to London. He was nervous to say the least, Alex hadn't spoken to him since the kiss and it worried him. He still had Sara knocking about, and she was useful for a 'goodnight' but he cared more for Alex then he would any other girl and he realised that after they kissed.

• • •

"I'm scared Marco."

"Don't worry Al, this will be fine, once it's all cleared up it'll be easier for the both of us to give Junior the life he deserves," Marco edged a tad closer to Alex on the sofa in Kaiser's apartment. He had only been here 15 minutes but Alex was on the verge of crying.

She didn't know why she was so emotionally lately, and she had been sick earlier too. The mother was under a lot of stress and the fact her sons dad was a world-famous footballer didn't help. "I never wanted him to be brought up with the press," Alex replied.

Marco frowned, "so you never wanted to tell me? Because you should've known that, that's what would have happened, I don't like saying it but I'm famous for playing football and everyone related to me is in the spotlight."

"No Marco, don't get that twisted. I always wanted to tell you, I just never found the right time, nobody knew who Junior's dad was but me and Kai and with the situations I was in when we were together, it was so difficult," Alex shed a few tears, Marco had told her about him wanting her and Junior to move permanently to Dortmund but she didn't know how to feel about it.

On one hand, she would feel safe and Junior would be able to see his dad whenever he pleased but the on the other hand, she would miss her family, most importantly Kai whose been there for her since Marco Junior was born.

"When are you going to make the statement?" Alex asked, if it was soon, she needed to sort herself and Junior out. They both needed to pack for a permanent move, but she didn't know how she was going to tell either of her parents she was moving in with the footballer.

"Whenever you're ready, I want you in Dortmund and settled before I say anything. But really, it needs to be done before I go to China on tour with the team." Alex nodded, it would all have to happen in the next few days to ensure that Junior was settled before Marco went away. But the mother didn't know how she felt with moving into Marco's house when he wasn't going to be there until the season started and that was still two months away.

Marco had taken Junior out for the day in London while Alex went over to her parents house to sort everything out. Walking in, she saw both of her parents in the kitchen, and with taking a deep breath, she walked towards them.

"I need to speak with you guys," Alex slightly smiled but she could tell her dad knew something was up when his smile dropped.

Sitting down at the counter, Alex looked between her parents, praying they would take this in the right way. "I'm moving to Dortmund, permanently," she started.

"It's for Junior's benefit more than it is mine. Marco wants to be open with everyone and by announcing he is a father, he wants us close by so he can keep us safe, but also spend as much time as he can with Junior. You've always told me to put my child first, as you two did with me and the boys so that's what I'm doing. I'll visit you as much as you want me too, don't think I won't come back because you're our family and Junior will always miss you. But this is the right thing to do for now, and if it doesn't work out, I'll be straight back here, well that's if you let me come home," Alex wiped the tears from her face.

John was beyond pissed, he was starting to accept the fact his daughter got pregnant by a footballer but he never wanted her to move in with him, even when they aren't together! Marlene on the other hand understood, she knew her children came first, so that's why Alex was putting Marco first. She would missed Alex as she was her only daughter but she was grown up and it was time she made her own decisions. The mother of four just wished her husband would understand.

"When are you going?" Marlene asked her daughter.

"As soon as I can. He's going away with the team to China and then to a training camp so I want Junior settled before he goes."

"See! He isn't going to be there for neither of you. They're all the same these footballers!" John shouted, making Marlene jump. He stormed out the room and slammed a door further down the hallway.

Alex sighed. "Mom," she cried into her moms chest, she wished her father would understand.

"I understand baby, I understand. You do what you got to do and I'll always be here," Marlene stroked her daughters hair as she held back her own tears.

"Will you be here for your birthday?" The mother asked Alex after the two of them calmed down. John still hadn't come out of the room he stormed into a while ago.

"No Mom, I'm going in the next few days," Alex knew this would be the first birthday she hadn't spent with her family in the 21 years she had been alive.

• • •

"You still have all the toys I got you in your room upstairs Junior," Marco spoke to his son as the three of them walked into his home, their home. Dropping the bags down by the front door, he turned to Alex as Junior ran upstairs to his room.

"Is this the right thing to do Marco?" Alex asked, she could see the headlines now when it all came out. She knew the press would dig deep into her past, make up bogus stories to suit themselves and Alex didn't want that.

"What do you mean?" Marco asked, he knew his was the right thing to do, he wanted to protect Alex and Junior and this was the only way he could.

"When it all comes out, the press will rip me the shreds and I don't think I'll be able to deal with it. You moved your ex in with your son and you don't think they won't say anything about it?" Alex sighed, she knew she was slightly over reacting but she hadn't been feeling well lately and she didn't need anymore stress.

"You're far from an ex Al, you should know that, you're the mother of my son. They can say what they like, they always do try and make you out to be this bad person, but that's why I want you here with me. We'll get through this together okay?" Marco pulled Alex into a hug, he guessed she needed one.

Pulling out of the hug, the two of them stayed close, Marco tucking a piece of Alex's hair behind her ear. Marco began to open his mouth, but closed it as a little boys voiced shouted his parents.


hope you're enjoying this!!

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