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there's only one more thing more precious than our time, and that's who we choose to spend it with •

Stepping off the plane in Ibiza, Alex was full of bad thoughts, she didn't know if she was doing the right thing with being here. Junior had been complaining for the last few days that he wanted to see Marco, and Alex had enough of it.

With Kaiser being on holiday himself, the apartment was quiet and lonely with just the two of them, so she decided to book a holiday for her and Junior but stop off and see Marco first to keep her son happy.

• • •

Walking down the docks that were filled full of expensive yachts and boats, Alexander held Marco Junior close as they approached the yacht that Marco was supposed to be on with his friends.

Alex had messaged Marco's best friend, Marcel to allow this small surprise to happen, Marcel hadn't met neither of Alex or Junior but he knew how much Marco wanted to see Junior. It was all he went on about for the last week.

Putting her hand in her sons, the two of them stepped onto the yacht, hoping it was the right one. "Papa!!" Junior ran down the side and to the seating area on the lower deck as he's eyes saw his fathers. Marco Jr had taken well to Marco, which surprised Alex, she knew he wanted a father figure in his life but he usual took time adjusting to new people in his life.

Alexander couldn't help but smile at her little boy, all she ever wanted was to see him happy and smiling, and she had gotten that through Marco. Slowly walking over to where her son and Marco were, she smiled at the few friends he had on the boat with him.

"What are you doing here?" Marco tickled his little boy, who began to scream and laugh.

"Junior wanted to see you, he's missed you," Alex slightly smiled, she couldn't tell if Marco was happy or angry with them just turning up, however, Alex's eyes weren't looking at his facial expressions, they were more interested in the toned body in front of her.

"Are you sure it wasn't you missing me?" Marco joked, he noticed Alex staring at anything but his eyes but chose not to bring it up. They were only friends, and with Sara back in Dortmund, Marco knew he couldn't take it any further.

"Are you staying for the day? We're just about to head out," Marco asked Alex as they sat talking together with Junior. The others had left them alone for the last half an hour, but Alex had a feeling they weren't coming back.

"Haven't you got to wait for your friends?" Alex asked.

"Yes, they'll be back soon, but I'd rather spend the day with my son, and you of course," Marco slightly smiled. He knew he had to control those feelings he had for Alex, he couldn't act upon them; well until the time was right.

Alex nodded, it wasn't her intention to say on the yacht, Marco was meant to be having a lads holiday and she felt rude for intruding on it. However, she saw how happy her little boy was right now and she didn't want to spoil that.

• • •

"We're about to have a ride out on the jet skies, you coming Al?" Alex smiled slightly as Marco called her by his own nickname for her, she missed the old times where they were younger and in love, however time goes on and people change and Alex knew she had to cherish those memories forever instead of wishing them back.

Alexander nodded, she didn't trust Marco's friends on a jet ski with her son so she wanted to be out there with the in case anything was to happen. "You better be safe Marco," Alex warned her old flame as they got onto one jet ski together, there were only three of them and with his friends and Junior on the other two, it left Alex on one with Marco.

"You'll be safe in my arms Al," Marco replied, "you always will be," he whispered into her ear as he started the engine.

After a good half an hour riding around the open seas, Marco's friends and Junior had gone back to the yacht, leaving Alex and Marco out at sea by themselves. "We should go back and look after Junior," Alex told Marco. He had turned off the engine a few moments ago and they were moving with the waves around the yacht.

"Go on then, have a nice swim," Marco smirked before pulling Alex's body around so they were sitting face to face.

"It's not fair that they have to look after him," Alex replied, annoyed that Marco expects his friends to look after his own son.

"He'll be fine, anyways, it's nice to have some alone time with you."

"We don't need alone time," Alex rolled her eyes at Marco. She stood up on the jet ski and jumped into the water, it was only a short swim and Alex didn't want to be alone with Marco much longer.

"Alex wait," Marco pulled her leg to stop her from swimming any further, he didn't know what he had just done wrong but he didn't want to fall out with Alex, let alone make her angry.

"You're so annoying!" Alex gasped as she caught her breath. "You expect your friends who don't even know Junior to look after him while you try and do whatever you're tryin-."

Alex stopped speaking, not because she wanted too, because Marco's lips had stopped her. There in the middle of the ocean, Alex and Marco shared their first kiss for over five years.

Junior's voice made them both pull away, Alexander was lost for words, she had nothing to say to Marco. She didn't know what just happened, but she knew it shouldn't of happened. Alex had feelings for Marco, don't get her wrong but she knew she couldn't act upon them, it wasn't the right time and that kiss they just shared could of just ruined it all.

Finding You • Marco ReusWhere stories live. Discover now