Chapter 10

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In the Beatles' apartment, the lads were rehearsing one of their latest songs.

"Oh, come on, boys; get it together. On the downbeat" said George. 

"We've been here all day, George! Just sing the melody" said John.

"Lads, must we fight about everything? John's new girl is dangerous enough" said Paul.

"Yoko Ono is not dangerous!" said John.

"She is to our friendship" said Ringo.

"And to our friendship with the kids. And Paul said the Wiggles stole them from us" said George. 

"A long time ago" said Paul with embarrassment.

"And they're hardly even kids anymore. Calvin's eighteen and he and Meg are married" said Ringo.

"Legally, at least Calvin is grown up, but technically, you're still a kid until you're thirty. The kids aren't off the hook" said George.

"Well, Paul isn't off the hook either. Maybe his marriage can only be because his ex is married to her ex. Maybe that's alright for Meg and Chad, but I think it's as suspicious as it is ironic" said John.

"Oh my god, Lennon, I'm surprised at you. Jill isn't like that anymore and nor am I" said Paul. 

But after he said that, he felt his body weakening.

"What's wrong, Paul?" said Ringo.

"I dunno; I feel dizzy. I... I..." Paul stuttered.

Then he just collapsed.

"Hey! What's happening now?" said Ringo.

"I didn't think hearing of his own wedding would make him faint" said George. 

"This is ridiculous. Why does every conversation we have involving Meg make him faint?" said John. 

"Not every conversation! Maybe he's just exhausted because we spent eighteen hours on that song" said George.

"If that's it, how are we not passed out? I think Paul may need a doctor" said Ringo. 

"But Meg's in Acapulco and she's the best one. Why is it that something happens whenever she's away?" said John. 

"I dunno, but she's married to Chad. He might be able to help" said Ringo. 

"Chad? He's not a surgeon" said John.

"He's had training though. Remember the day we met him and he told us that every record he sells gets him closer to being a surgeon?" said Ringo. 

"Well, he's probably gotten there by now. He's sold millions of records to this day" said George. 

"Alright, let's try him" said John. 

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