Chapter 25

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The next day, Robin and Sam were searching near a mountain for some more eggs.

"Where would we possibly find an egg here?" said Sam.

"Well, if I were an egg hidden by a mountain, I'd be in a cave" said Robin.

Sam looked back and saw a huge cave that was inexplicably by the mountain.

"Maybe it's this cave" she said.

"Holy stroke of luck! Maybe our next egg is in there" said Robin.

The only problem was that it was really dark inside the cave.

"I wish I could tell, but I can't see a thing" said Sam.

"Me either" said Robin.

"We're gonna need something to light the way in" said Sam.

Robin thought on it for a minute then said "How about using a Mouse-kuh-tuna? Uh, a Mash-kaboodle... uh... a Mouse-ka-towel?" 

Sam laughed. "You mean a Mouseketool. Everybody say 'Oh Toodles'!" said Sam.

"Oh Toodles!" Robin called.

Toodles floated over and showed the last three Mouseketools.

"A flashlight... roses... or the Mystery Mouseketool. What can we use to light the way?" said Sam.

"Well, roses are pretty and all, but I don't think they can do any lighting. But a flashlight can!" said Robin.

"You betcha! The flashlight it is. We got ears. Say 'cheers'!" said Sam.

"Cheers!" said Robin.

The flashlight was selected and the two used it to see inside the cave.

When they did, the found the pink Easter egg with the white lines.

"Holy color-code. This one's pretty" said Robin.

"Sure is. Pink really is my color" said Sam.

"Now let's go see if the guys have found any more" said Robin.

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