Chapter 27

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Jeremy was visiting Chad in his apartment. 

They were drinking tea and discussing Paul's breakdown.

"So that egg Charles and I found was an ingredient for a remedy?" said Jeremy.

"Sure, if an ingredient is what you can call it" said Chad.

"But Paul's wedding is tonight. I hope they can find eleven more by then" said Jeremy.

"Me too. But still, there doesn't seem to be anything those kids can't do" said Chad.

Then he stood up and was about to get more tea before noticing the shiny gold egg on his shelf.

"Jeremy. Look" said Chad.

Jeremy looked and also noticed the egg.

"It's another one of those eggs, isn't it?" he said.

"It must be. It's about the same size as the other one. And the rabbit did say one of his eggs was gold" said Chad.

"Heavens. It looks like real gold. I didn't think an Easter egg would be this precious" said Jeremy.

"Me either. But that doesn't matter. We should get this egg to Batman" said Chad.

Meg then unlocked the door and entered her apartment.

"Chad. Robin said that he detected one of the eggs in our apartment" she said.

"Yes. And I found it" said Chad giving her the egg.

"Oh, thank you, honey!" said Meg hugging her husband.

"But, Meg, how do you know about this egg hunt?" said Jeremy.

"Sam told me. But don't tell Jill any of this. She doesn't know" said Meg.

"She doesn't?" said Jeremy.

"No, and she can't. We don't want her in the same condition" said Chad.

"And the best way I can make sure she doesn't know is for Paul to be okay" said Meg.

"Then you'd best get this egg to your mates at once" said Chad.

Meg kissed her husband to thank him then left with the gold egg. 

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