Chapter 16

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Batman and Robin made their way to the Beatles' apartment and were told everything.

"So you've already found an egg. Very good, Charles Wallace" said Batman.

"Where's Sam?" said Robin.

"She's in Acapulco" said Calvin.

"Good thing too. Jill came on the trip with her and we don't want her knowing Paul is like this" said John.

"Holy distraction. Are we gonna be able to find eleven more eggs before she gets back?" said Robin.

"If we work hard enough. The Beatles gave us some Mousketools to help us out" said Calvin.

"Hey, I remember those things! What are they now?" said Robin.

"Good question" said Charles Wallace.

Today's Mousketools were as follows.

A flashlight

Four colorful baskets

A surfboard


A fishing pole

and the Mystery Mousketool

"Very good. Now let's dash" said Batman.

"Good luck, fellas" said John.

"Boys, I think you should come. If we're gonna get Paul out of this before his wedding, everyone has to pitch in" said Robin.

"It's alright, Robin, they're gonna look after Paul" said Charles Wallace.

"Very good. Now, Beatles, if Paul makes progress while we're gone, notify us immediately" said Batman. 

"Certainly, Batman" said Ringo.

"Now what are we waiting for? We have eggs to hunt for" said Calvin.

"Indeed you do. Eggs of twelve different colors. You found the blue one already" said the Easter Bunny.

"What colors are left?" said Robin.

"Let's see. The remaining colors you have to find are... red, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink, striped, white, bronze, silver and finally... gold!" said the Easter Bunny.

"Gee. That's a lot. Let's get to it!" said Charles Wallace.

The gang sang a song as they hunted.

Charles Wallace: We're hunting eggs today

others: We're hunting eggs today

Charles Wallace: And I can hardly wait for what we'll find there

We're hunting eggs today

others: We're hunting eggs today

Charles Wallace: The Easter Bunny's left a lot behind there

Red ones, blue ones

Robin: Yellow, pink and green

Calvin: Purple polka dotted ones

Batman: Even tangerine

Charles Wallace: A perfect looking stripey one 

Like one you've never seen

We're hunting eggs today

others: We're hunting eggs today

Charles Wallace: And that's our favorite way!

others: And that's our favorite way...

all: To spend the flippity-floppity


Happy Easter Day! 

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