Chapter 28

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Meg took the egg back to where her friends were waiting.

"I got it!" she said.

"Well done, Meg, well done" said Batman.

"Now let's get these eggs to the Easter Bunny" said Charles Wallace.

The gang made their way back to the Beatles' apartment and showed the Easter Bunny their eggs.

Jill was about to go back into Paul's room, but hid when she saw her friends already there.

"You got me my eggs! Well done!" said the Easter Bunny.

"See here, boys! They did it!" said George.

"Splendid. I trust it wasn't hard to find them" said the Easter Bunny.

"Heck no. We did perfectly" said Sam.

The lads counted the eggs.

"Kids? There's only eleven of 'em" said John.

"Eleven? But we found the gold one last" said Robin.

"We're still missing the green one" said Charles Wallace.

"Oh no. You're so close to saving Paul; you can't be missing an egg now" said Ringo.

"Where could the green one possibly be?" said George.

"Yeah. We've looked almost everywhere. Even in Acapulco" said Patty.

"Oh, this is terrible" said Meg.

"And frustrating" Charles Wallace agreed.

"We have to find it before Jill finds out" said Calvin.

Overhearing the conversation, Jill had to come out of hiding and reveal that she had the green egg.

But how? 

She decided to take the cool approach and pretend she still didn't know until she found the right time to confess.

She came into the room and said "Before I find out what?"

"Jill!" Sam snapped.

"What are you doing here?" said Calvin nervously.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help overhearing the conversation. What is it you don't want me to know?" said Jill.

"We can't..." Robin began.

"Robin... I think the jig is up" said Sam.

"Holy giveaways" said Robin.

"Jill. We're afraid your fiancee is in dreadful conditions. He's been chosen to suffer the annual Easter breakdown" said Batman.

"I know, Batman" said Jill.

"What?" said the Three Warriors in unison.

"You do?" said Patty.

"How?" said Meg.

"I'm afraid it's true. My young assistant Della told her while she was still on vacation" said the Easter Bunny.

Della smiled and gave a little wave.

"But why didn't you join the egg hunt, Jill?" said Robin.

"Oh, I did. Is this what you're looking for?" said Jill showing the green egg.

"Jill! You found the last missing Easter egg!" said Calvin.

"I certainly did" said Jill proudly. 

"Now I have all of my Easter eggs!" said the Easter Bunny.

"And Paul will be fine" said John.

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