Chapter 30

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That night, the wedding was to begin in the best church in Gotham City.

Jill stood with Sam, Meg and Patty near the entrance, getting ready to walk down the aisle.

She wore a thin white dress with pearls and gloves. Her hair was left down, but she wore a diamond tiara. 

"Do I look alright?" said Jill.

"You look absolutely radiant" said Meg.

"Yeah, Jilly, Paul is winning a heck of a prize tonight" Patty agreed.

Sam inspected Jill's ensemble and wasn't so sure about it.

"Something's missing. I know it" she said.

"What, Sam? What's missing?" said Jill.

"I dunno. You're wearing a beautiful dress and a beautiful crown, but uh..." said Sam.

"I, for one, can't think of anything. She practically looks like the prettiest flower in the garden" said Meg.

"That is not the prettiest flower in the garden, Meg. It's EVERY flower in the garden" said Patty.

Sam snapped her fingers. "That's what's missing! She doesn't have flowers. Brides always carry flowers down the aisle."

"But we don't have time to get any" said Patty.

"Were flowers one of our Mouseketools?" said Meg.

"One of our what's?" said Jill.

"Mouseketools. They're strange, but needed things in times of crisis" said Patty.

"And we have to check 'em now. Everybody say 'Oh Toodles'!" said Sam.

"Oh Toodles!" the others repeated.

Toodles displayed the last Mouseketool.

"Our last Mouseketool is the roses. That's just what we need" said Meg.

"And I do love roses" said Jill.

"Terrific! Everyone wins" said Patty.

"We picked all our Mouseketools. Say super cheers!" said Sam.

"Super cheers!" said the girls.

Jill received the roses and was finally ready to walk down the aisle. 

At the end of the aisle stood Paul in his best tuxedo and Bruce Wayne's good friend Pastor James who was to officiate.

Jill walked down the aisle and linked arms with Paul when she got there.

"Dearly beloved brethren. We are gathered here today to witness the holy wedlock of Jill Gibson and Paul McCartney. Do you, Paul, promise to honor, cherish and take the greatest care of this woman for as long as you both shall live?" said Pastor James.

"I do" said Paul.

"And do you, Jill, promise to honor, cherish and obey this man for as long as you both shall live?" said Pastor James.

"I do" said Jill.

"I believe you have vows" said Pastor James.

Jill and Paul held hands and said their vows.

"James Paul McCartney... some people say we're the same for our previous faults. But I think we're more than that. I love you with all my heart and soul. I will continue to do just that" said Jill.

"Victoria Gelt Gibson... when I first heard your name, your description was not anything you have displayed to me. Now that I know exactly who you really are, I know that this is the woman I want to be with. I love you" Paul vowed.

The two slipped rings on each other's fingers as Pastor James finished the ceremony.

"By whatever authority I happen to have at the moment, I hereby pronounce you man and wife."

Paul and Jill cemented their marriage with a kiss as the crowd applauded. 

And that was it. Everything was alright again. 

Paul and Jill were married and the Easter Bunny now had all of his Easter eggs back.

Another mystery was history!

Springtime, an Easter Wedding TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz