Chapter 12

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Charles Wallace and Jeremy were inspecting the Easter egg more when they heard a trumpet blasting.

"Charles, is that your siren?" said Jeremy.

"It sure is! Somebody needs the Three Warriors!" said Charles Wallace. 

He picked up the egg and started to carry it away.

"What are you doing?" said Jeremy.

"Maybe I'll have time to solve this Easter egg mystery" said Charles Wallace.

Jeremy laughed as Charles Wallace met Calvin near the Changing Tree.

"You brought your egg?" said Calvin.

"Why not? Two mysteries is better" said Charles Wallace.

"Not without Sam, it's not. Two mysteries is kinda tough for only two Warriors" said Calvin.

"Hmm" Charles Wallace agreed.

"Never mind. Someone needs us now so we're to go to them first. To the Changing Tree!" said Calvin.

The two boys went into the Changing Tree and put on their red and blue uniforms.

"Now arms in" said Calvin.

"But saying our oath might be even harder without Sam" said Charles Wallace.

"You and her managed to say it without me once. We'll fill in for her" said Calvin.

The boys put their arms in and delivered the Three Warriors oath.

Calvin: Any time!

Charles Wallace: Any place!

both: The Three Warriors...

Are on the case!

"And the flag is telling us to go to... the Beatles' apartment" said Calvin.

The boys rushed to the apartment building and found Paul in bed.

"So what's the troubs, boys?" said Charles Wallace.

"Paul fainted during rehearsal and we don't know why" said George.

"I might have known" said Calvin. 

"And I see you've already tried to consult my brother-in-law" said Charles Wallace.

"Hello, Charles and Calvin. I told the boys I wouldn't know how to inspect this" said Chad.

"You aren't a doctor, Chad, so I'm not surprised" said Calvin.

"But I would have asked him too because he was a surgery major" said Charles Wallace.

John saw the Easter egg and said "What's with the egg, Charles?"

"Jeremy and I just found it and we think it means something" said Charles Wallace.

Just then, a bunch of magic sparkles surrounded the gang and floated closer together.

As soon as they were all bunched up, the sparkles turned into a gigantic brown rabbit.

This rabbit wore a green and purple vest, had blue eyes and held an empty pink basket.

"Why, of course it means something, little guy" he said.

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