Chapter 6

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Back at home, Meg's brother Charles Wallace lay in his apartment with his face under the lamp.

Jeremy caught him, put his hands on his hips and said "What are you doing there?"

Charles Wallace sat up and looked at his roommate nervously.

"Would you believe I was getting a suntan?"

"No. Now get out; I've told you countless times having your face too close to the lights is bad for your eyes" said Jeremy. 

Charles Wallace did as told and said "I'm sorry, Jeremy. It's just that my sister is on the beach getting a real suntan. She made my favorite type of vacation a girls trip."

"Well, we live near a beach, lad. You can get tanned there" said Jeremy.

"Wiggle Bay isn't as good as Acapulco" said Charles Wallace. 

"I know. But it's a school holiday and I've some time on my hands, so we could get tanned together" said Jeremy. 

"I guess I'd like that. You are one of my best buddies, Jeremy" said Charles Wallace. 

"Well, come on then. Let's get at it" said Jeremy.

The two boys exited their apartment to find Chad exiting his own.

"Hey, Chad!" said Charles Wallace.

"Hello, Charles. Jeremy" said Chad calmly.

"Where are you off to?" said Jeremy.

"I just thought it was a nice day to do the town. Especially now that I can walk again" said Chad.

"Oh, that's good. We're actually gonna go tanning on Wiggle Bay. Wanna come?" said Charles Wallace. 

"No thank you, Charles; I'm afraid being on the beach would make me miss your sister too much" said Chad.

"Oh. Well, that's understandable" said Charles Wallace.

"I'll see you later tonight, eh, Jeremy?" said Chad.

"You know it. I'll see you then, Chad the lad" said Jeremy. 

Springtime, an Easter Wedding TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon