Chapter 21

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Della held up her hands. 

"How? Well... when the girls come back, you just hide. But I'll make sure you get to help me revive my fiancee" said Jill. 

Then she looked on her bed and found a green egg with purple dots. 

"Why... what's an Easter egg doing on my bed?" she said.

Della made gestures that suggested Jill should keep the egg.

"You want me to keep it?" said Jill.

Della nodded.

"Hmm. I don't understand why I should, but alright. It could mean something" said Jill.

At the bar, Sam had just told Meg and Patty what Robin told her.

"So we're to just stay in Acapulco and do nothing?" said Meg.

"No. The guys have already started egg hunting. But we still need to keep a lookout and not tell Jill all this" said Sam.

"Good thing we're going home tomorrow" said Patty.

"Right. And when we do, Patty, you team up with Calvin in the egg hunt. Meg, you team up with Charles Wallace. I'll go with Robin. He still needs help with how to use Mousketools" said Sam. 

"Mouse-whatta-tools?" said Patty.

"Mouseketools. They're special things we sometimes need in times of hardship. We haven't used them since we left the Cavern" said Meg.

"Boy am I gonna have fun with that!" said Patty.

Then she took a dive into the pool and saw something under the water.

"Hey. Wh-what's this?" she said.

She picked up what she found. It was a red egg with gold swirls.

"It looks like an... Easter egg" said Meg.

"Maybe this is one of the eggs we're looking for!" said Patty.

"Yay!" Meg cheered.

"Alright, Patty!" said Sam.

"Two down and ten to go" said Patty.

"I hope the guys are doing as well as we are" said Meg. 

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