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After Kevin and I's time together we had took a nap together in each others arms

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After Kevin and I's time together we had took a nap together in each others arms. I woke up before Kevin and began immediately looking for my phone.

It had to be a little late and I just knew my parents were on my ass probably. They didn't play that shit with me at all and they even had my location so if I didn't respond after a while they would even pull up.

"Can you chill?" I heard Kevin mutter out of his sleep.

"My fault but I need to look for my phone. I haven't spoke to my parents in a while." I remove myself from his arms and sit up on my side of the bed.

Kevin reaches his hand over into his nightstand and picks up his phone, tossing it into my lap. I pick his phone up and look at the time. 6:37 p.m.

"Here use that and come back over here and lay down."

"How about calling my parents to let them know where I'm at?" I say while climbing over him to get off the bed and look for my phone.

"You can do both."

I turn the light on and pick up the shirt that Kevin was wearing earlier off of the floor and put it on. My phone happened to be under it and I picked it up.

I turned it on to see a couple of text messages from my dad and mom. I click on my mom's contact and decide to call her.

Instead of hearing my mom's voice, I hear my dad's. "Kiana you really pushing the button. You ain't tell nobody you was going somewhere after school."

I frown a little. "I'm sorry, dad. I had went over to Kevin's after school to hang out with him and his family."

"Mhm, you and this lil nigga."

"Damien stop talking to my daughter like that before we have a problem." I heard my mom in the background which caused me to chuckle.

"Sage, please. This my child."

I heard bickering in the background for a few more moments before I heard my mom's voice.

"Start making your way back home in a hour. Do you need money for a Uber or want me to come pick you up?"

"I'll get a Uber mom. I have the money."

"Okay, Sweetie. Be safe."

"You spoil her too much. She got there, she better find a way back. She think she grown going over that little boy house without asking." I heard my dad talking in the back.

I smacked my lips.

boyyyy I am grown

"Damien please leave my daughter alone. We'll talk to her about it when she gets home."

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