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"Are you listening? You keep spacing out and I'm not about to speak to a brick wall. "

"I'm listening." I say as my fingers continue to move against the keyboard. I was currently typing up a very important business email and my little sister kept nagging in my ear about irrelevant bullshit that I didn't care to listen to.

"King," she crossed her arms with a slight pout on her face and I looked up at her with a blank face at the dramatics she was doing. "You're not even listening."

I continue to type the email and I finish it off with a closing statement before sending it off to its intended recipient and look up at her. "Kayla, you know I'm busy right now. So cut the dramatics. Your problem probably isn't even that serious."

I pulled my suit jacket off and tossed it onto the leather chair that sat on the other side of my desk. I unbuttoned and rolled up the sleeves of my dress shirt as well. It was starting to become warm in here.

Kayla smacked her teeth. "It's not dramatic. These professors are stressing me out and then they—"

I cut her off before she could even finish, "Seems dramatic to me. Maybe if you didn't spend all your time going to clubs and all the parties then you wouldn't be as stressed out as you are. We're not sending you to that expensive ass HBCU for you to party all the time. Get your degree. Your education is important and the one thing that can't be taken from you."

I found myself stressing to her once again about the importance of her education. She got accepted into Howard University and even though she received a scholarship it still didn't even cover half of the necessities she needed for college. So as the older brother I am I offered to help cover it even though our parents said they had no problem paying for it.

They've already done so much for us and I felt like this was the least I could do both for Kayla and my parents.

I still didn't understand why she wanted to go to a school where they can barely house their students but that wasn't any of my business.

Kayla sighed dramatically. "Here you go with the lectures King. You seriously need to lighten up for once. Maybe you need to go to the club or a party. I'm on break for a whole month. Let's do something fun."

I had a feeling about what she was going to say next and I'm sure she already knew my answer as well. She just liked to find new ways to get on my nerves. She took on the role of the annoying little sister pretty well. I still loved her to death, though.

I chuckled at her. "You're crazy if you think I'm going to take my baby sister to a club and she's still underage to drink."

"It's no secret that I already drink King." She rolled her eyes.

"How about you use this break to get ahead on some of your work? You're gonna be less stressed when you go back to school." I offer and she looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"Boy bye." She laughs right in my face and I only shake my head at her.

"Could you leave?" I ask, finally becoming fed up with her annoyance. It was honestly distracting me from all the work I had to do. Being a CEO of a major construction company wasn't easy at all.

"Don't have to tell me twice." She mutters as she gathers her Marc Jacobs tote bag and stands up.

Before she leaves out she pauses and turns to me. "Could you give me some money so I could go shopping? Please?"

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