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"I don't want you to let this affect you for the rest of your life. You're strong, baby. My fighter. And it may be hard right now and that's okay. Cry it all out if you need to. But you'll grieve and then you'll come to terms with the fact that this is life. You'll lose people. You'll grow and learn. It may take years but you'll also learn how to live without him." My grandma rubbed my back as I laid on her lap.

Fresh tears ran down my cheeks. In this moment, I didn't really care about anything my grandma was saying to me at the moment. I just wanted my man back.

It's like I could still feel him here. But he isn't here. Not anymore.

I can't believe this is how it all ends. Kevin fought so hard against his heart condition just to die at the hands of a drunk driver.

It isn't right. He doesn't deserve this. Anyone but him. We were just getting started.

Knowing this only made me cry harder. My grandma rocked me gently in her arms and rubbed my back, allowing me to cry.

There was a knock on the door before the door had opened.

"It's time for us to go the repast." My dad says, fully stepping inside my bedroom. "We don't have a to stay long if you don't want."

I needed a breather after the funeral and decided to ask my mom and dad to drive back to the house for a moment.

"Okay," I muttered.

I sat up from my grandmother's lap and sat there for a moment. My dad looked between my grandmother and I before walking back out of the room.

I stood up and smoothed my clothes out before slipping my shoes back on. My grandma stood up as well and picked her purse up. She grabbed my hand and we both walked out the room together.


My parents and I walked inside of the Cameron's home and was met with the sound of A Couple of Forevers by Chrisette Michele playing loudly over the speakers.

The house was filled with various family members wearing shirts that had Kevin's name on it or a picture of him. Some of them I recognized from the multiple family functions Kevin had brought me to throughout our relationship.

We walked into the kitchen and Mrs and Mr. Cameron were in there.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron." I muttered loud enough for them to hear over the music.

I couldn't hold eye contact with them. I felt guilty and I already knew Mrs. Cameron didn't like me. Here I was standing in front of them alive and Kevin's dead.

My mom and dad pulled them each into a hug and they began speaking amongst themselves. I felt horrible. My parents have them their condolences and sat the food down on the counter.

KEVIN'S HEARTWhere stories live. Discover now