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Slipstream wastes no time in assembling a search party for the missing Rainmaker. She takes to the skies with Sunstorm and Starscream. Bumblebee, Knockout, and a squadron of Vehicons split-up their search on the ground. Everyone else remains on the ship.

– Hour 1 –

"Alright, that's it!"

Knockout slows down and transforms, continuing his trek on foot.

"This is ridiculous! There is no way that Ion Storm could've possibly disappeared without a trace! Not out here, anyway. Of course, he could be on another part of the planet, but the others would've called if they found any trace of him. So far, there hasn't been anything.

By the Allspark, this is giving me a major helm-ache! If only Steeljaw and Phantomjaw could track scents in the air, this would be so much easier! But, no, of course we aren't that lucky.

Then again, it's not like we bothered to ask them, but they are going through some stuff right now. Well, Steeljaw is, anyway. Seriously, what is up with him lately? After Phoria, it's been one thing after another. First we had that talk, sort of, then the whole Star Seekers debacle, and now his brother is back in town? And he hasn't talked to anyone else since then? I mean, I guess if someone I cared about was gone for a long time and I finally reunited with them, I would want to spend all my time with them, too.

No, quit it, Knockout! You can continue to worry about Steeljaw's personal life later. Right now, you have something more urgent to attend to, like finding a missing flier."






"Okay, this is probably a bad idea, but now's as good a time as any to pester Steeljaw for more information, and in the meantime, he can help in the search. Two birds, one stone."

Mind made, Knockout found a cluster of rocks and sat atop them. He sighed in relief, happy to be giving his legs a break. He shifted and activated his commlink.

{Knockout to Daytrader, I request assistance from St...}

The red medic never finished his call when the ground caved-in, sending both him and the pile of rocks he was sitting on down a hidden tunnel. He barely registered his fall as he blacked out.

– Hour 2 –


After receiving the transmission, Wreck-Gar panicked and called back everyone immediately. They weren't happy about giving up the search, and even more so when they learned that someone else was added to the MIA list.

"Only Knockout would go and get himself lost on a simple search-and-rescue mission!" Starscream snapped, throwing his servos in the air while angrily pacing the bridge.

"I won't disagree with you there," Moonracer vented. "He's never had the best sense of direction, I will admit. Still, this planet is pretty wide open, much like Velocitron. I have a hard time believing that Knockout wouldn't be able to find his way around."

"Considering you've known him for longer than I have, I'm not going to argue with you about it."


Slipstream looked away from Starscream and Moonracer to Bumblebee, who appeared deep in thought. He was unusually withdrawn.

"Whatcha thinkin' about over there?" Slipstream called out.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, didn't know you were talking to me," Bumblebee perked. "Anyway, yeah, I am thinking. Based on Knockout's last transmission, it sounded like he was requesting help."

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