Chapter 7: The End

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"With the cheer championship a few hours away, Bucky is purging anyone who isn't anti-zombie. And that's a lot of people."

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Later that night, Alexandra sat in the stands at the Regional Cheer Championships with Bree and Addison on either side of her

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Later that night, Alexandra sat in the stands at the Regional Cheer Championships with Bree and Addison on either side of her. The three girls were cheering for the squad that was performing, when all of a sudden Alexandra and Addison, who also decided to take off her wig, locked eyes with their parents who were sitting multiple rows in front of them. They both lose their smiles as their parents shoot them disapproving looks. The twins just ignored them and turned back to Bree.

"Oh, I've always dreamed of cheering here. Just soaring in the air as the crowd roared." Bree gasped as she looked around in wonder, causing the twins to look at her with fond smiles. "Flying higher than anyone's ever flown. That was a stupid dream."

"No." Addison reassured Bree as she placed her hand on Bree's shoulder. "You will fly."

"Some day." Alexandra added with a smirk. "As soon as this town gets over itself."

"I thought your guy's parents didn't want either of you out in public with your real hair." Bree said quietly as she gestured with her eyes towards the twins' hair.

"They don't." Addison shook her head.

"But they can't make us hide it anymore." Alexandra added firmly. "I'm not leaving this seat. No way. Our dad's whole patrol couldn't get me out of this seat."

"I don't know, Bonzo." Alexandra heard Zed's voice, causing her to step around Addison and look over the side of the bleachers to see Zed standing there with Bonzo as they searched for something. "She has to be here somewhere. There!"

Alexandra watched in shock as Zed and Bonzo quickly ran underneath the bleachers making her lose sight of them.

"It's Zed!" Alexandra exclaimed quietly as she rushed back over to Bree and Addison.

"Hmm?" Bree hummed as she and Addison turned to look at Alexandra.

"Um, I'm gonna leave my seat." Alexandra said rhetorically, still in shock from seeing Zed.

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