Chapter 4: We're Aliens?!

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They were wrapping up practice when all of a sudden the twins, who were standing on the stage watching everyone with a smile, were surrounded by a blue light

"Uh... Help!" Alexandra and Addison called out, but no one could hear them. "Help! What is going on?" the twins exclaimed in confusion before pausing when they realized that they weren't in the school anymore. Alexandra and Addison shared a look before looking around in shock when they saw that they were on the alien's spaceship. "Whoa."

Alexandra hesitantly stepped down from the platform she was standing on and walked down a corridor with Addison following her, looking around in awe. They turned into another corridor and saw an open doorway that led to a room with a large window and what looked like some kind of computer. They were walking towards that room when all of a sudden someone walked up to Alexandra and grabbed her shoulder. She automatically threw a punch at the person, causing them to stop it with their hand.

"Ha, missed me..." the person started to say, but was cut off by Alexandra using her other hand to punch them. The person grunted, causing Alexandra to pause and gasp in shock when she realized that it was Zed.

"Sorry, reflexes." Alexandra whispered quietly with a sheepish smile, before hitting Zed on the shoulder gently, while Addison tried so hard not to burst out laughing at the couple. "Zed!"

"What are you guys doing here?" Zed groaned out in confusion as he looked at his girlfriend.

"Addison and I got beamed up." Alexandra explained quietly, before shooting Zed a look. "What are you doing here?"

"A-spen asked if I could help with my knowledge of Seabrook." Zed told his girlfriend, causing her to smile softly.

"Aw... Poor thing." Alexandra exclaimed quietly while sharing a smile with her twin. "They're trying to spend alone time with you."

"Alone time? Why?" Zed asked in confusion, causing Alexandra and Addison to shoot him a look, causing him to nod in realization. "Oh! Oh. Okay, well, I do have universal appeal."

"Hey, be nice. A-spen's new to feelings and human relations." Alexandra smiled as she gently hit Zed on his shoulder

"Beware. Intruder." A-spen said as they, A-lan, and A-li walked into the corridor with some type of weapon, causing Zed to stand protectively in front of the twins. The aliens paused when they saw that it was just Alexandra and Addison. "Alexandra, Addison? Mothership beamed you aboard?"

"Mm-hmm." Alexandra and Addison quickly nodded their heads, while looking at the aliens, afraid.

"We have no choice but to..." A-lan said with a smile as he extended his arms.

"Vaporize you." A-li said at the same time as A-spen.

"Welcome you." A-spen said at the same time as A-li, before realizing what A-li said and shooting her a look. "A-li."

"Oh!" A-li gasped while looking at the ground before looking back at the couple and Addison with a fake smile. "Right. Welcome you. Sorry."

The group of three followed the three aliens into the room at the end of the corridor, looking around in awe at the different kinds of technology.

"This is Scout Commander..." a woman's voice came from the computer.

"You have a wonderful home." Alexandra told the three aliens with a smile.

"I proudly report my mission..." the woman's voice continued to say from the computer.

"It is a marvelous ship, but it is not our home." A-lan said sadly as he, A-li, and A-spen stood around their computer in the middle of the room.

We're Gonna Be SomedayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora