Chapter 7: Someday

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The next day, before she was leaving with the aliens, Alexandra was in her bedroom packing up some of her stuff

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The next day, before she was leaving with the aliens, Alexandra was in her bedroom packing up some of her stuff.

"This is the hardest decision I've ever made, but I have to do what's right." Alexandra said to herself sadly as she closed her suitcase and zipped it up as her parents walked into her bedroom with her twin trailing behind them sadly.

"Alexandra, Addison, there's something I have to share with you two. I should've done this years ago. I just wish I was as strong as you guys." Missy told her daughters with tears in her eyes, as the twins looked at her in confusion before Missy reached up and revealed that she had been wearing a wig all along.

"You're beautiful, Mom." Alexandra whispered in awe as she looked at her mom's white hair.

"Oh, sweetheart." Missy cried as more tears came to her eyes as she pulled Alexandra into a hug, with Addison quickly joining in.

"And I don't care what planet you're from. You're my family." Dale smiled softly as he stepped closer to his wife and daughters.

"Oh, Dale." Missy whispered as she leaned her head on Dale's chest.

"No. No, you can't leave, Alexandra." Dale quickly shook his head as tears came to his eyes. "I'll mobilize the whole Z-Patrol to stop you. Please, it's..."

"I'm sorry, Dad." Alexandra told her dad as she tried not to cry before pulling her parents and her twin. "But this is what I was meant to do."


As the Wells family were saying their goodbyes inside their house, some of Alexandra's friends were waiting outside of her house, so that they could say their goodbyes to her. The cheerleaders were waiting outside the Wells' house, as the wolves, the zombies, and the rest of the humans were a little bit down the road as they all gathered together before they would go to the house so that they could help with the spaceship. 

"They're saying the alien ship is damaged." Wyatt said as he walked over to where Willa and Wynter were leaning against a car as they looked up at the spaceship. "It might not survive a launch."

"It's not totally our fault." Wynter said sadly. "We just wanted to stop them from leaving."

"Well, serves them right for lying to us." Willa told Wyatt angrily.

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