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It was 12:30 a.m., and everyone was asleep. All of a sudden, mirabel woke up and started crying. So Julieta got up and picked mirabel up to see if she needed to be changed, but her diaper was dry. "That's odd," Julieta said. So Julieta calmed mirabel down and tried to rock her back to sleep. Mirabel calmed down but didn't fall asleep no matter how many times she tried mirabel wouldn't fall asleep. So Julieta did the next best thing she went downstairs into the kitchen to make mirabel a bottle, then sat back down in the rocking chair and tried again. mirabel eventually fell asleep. A couple hours later, mirabel woke up again crying, so Julieta got up again to see what was wrong, and nothing was wrong. Julieta was confused about why mirabel was crying. She then picked her up and rocked her back to sleep.

The next morning, at around 8:15, Isabella came into Julieta's room. "Mami, are you awake?". Isabella asked. Julieta then looked at her daughter with a smile and said "yes". "Ok, cause papi asked me to see if you are awake cause he took mirabel downstairs and made her breakfast," Isabella explained. "Oh OK that was nice of him," Julieta said. Isabella stood by Julieta as she was getting out of bed. "Alright, let's go, Isabella" Julieta said. Julieta then grabbed Isabellas' hand as they walked downstairs. "Are you OK, Mami?" Isabella asked. "Yeah, I just didn't get much sleep last night That's all." Julieta replied.

Julieta and Isabella went into the kitchen. Augustin had some amazing news. "So I have some special news honey," Augustin said in excitment
"What is it?" Julieta replied. "Mirabel has teeth coming in" Augustin said in excitement. "That explains last night" Julieta replied. "What happened last night?" Augustin asked. "Mirabel kept waking up and crying several times last night, and I couldn't figure out why" Julieta replied.

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