Mirabel's birthday

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The next morning, Julieta woke up and saw that mirabel was still sleeping, so she got up quietly and went downstairs to wrap mirabels birthday gift. "Oh, I hope she likes her gift," Julieta said quietly. "I'm sure she will," a voice behind her said. "Oh my!" Julieta said to the voice she turned around, and it was her niece Dolores. "You scared me a little bit," she said in a soft voice. "Sorry, I didn't mean to. I just heard you from my room," Dolores said. "What are you doing up so early?" Julieta asked. "I couldn't go back to sleep," Dolores replied. "Oh OK let me finish this, and I'll make you something to eat," Julieta said to the little girl. "Ok, can I help with anything?" Dolores asked quietly. "Actually, yes, you can. I need you to do something very important. make sure that if you hear mirabel crying, go tell your tio. Ok?" Julieta explained. "Ok," Dolores replied with a smile.

About 10 minutes passed, and Julieta got mirabel's gift wrapped. "There we go," Julieta said to herself. "Let's get you something to eat," Julieta said to Dolores. Julieta held Dolores hand, and they both walked into the kitchen. "What would you like to eat?" Julieta asked quietly. "Can I just have some arepas?" Dolores whispered. "Absolutely. How many would you like?" Julieta asked."Just 2, please," Dolores replied. So Julieta got Dolores 2 arepas made. "Somebody is coming downstairs," Dolores said. Julieta then went to check who it was, and it was Luisa. "Morning, mami." Luisa said," Good morning, my strong girl, " Julieta replied. "Mirabel is crying, tia." Dolores said

Julieta then went upstairs and picked up mirabel. "I heard it was someone's special day," Julieta said as she kissed mirabel. Julieta then changed mirabel and put her in her dress. "Aww, you look so adorable in your birthday dress." Julieta said. Mirabel then started giggling. "Now let's go downstairs and make you some breakfast," Julieta whispered. Julieta then sat mirabel down in her highchair and started feeding her some mashed up fruit. A few moments later, everybody was up and told mirabel happy birthday. "Did I hear that someone was turning 1 today?" Agustin said to his baby girl. "It's so strange how time flies," Pepa said.

A couple of hours later, everybody was outside getting ready for the party. "So when does the party start?" Isabella asked. "Here soon," Julieta replied. After about 10 minutes, mirabel's party started. They all started to eat. After they ate Julieta, came out with mirabel's cake. "Who wants cake?" Julieta asked everyone. Some said yes, and some said no, but mainly, kids said yes. So Julieta cut everyone a piece of cake and started to feed mirabel a small piece of her cake. After Julieta was done feeding mirabel, she brought out her gift. Mirabel tried to open her gift but was having trouble. Julieta then came to help mirabel. She opened it, and it was a butterfly plush.

After the party, it was nighttime, and mirabel was fast asleep. Julieta changed mirabel and put her in her pajamas and put her in her crib. She then put her plush in her arms and gave her a kiss. "Good night my little miracle

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