summer time

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It's now summer, and it's really hot. Mirabel is wearing her summer dress, and Isabella is playing with her in the living room. "Mami, I'm hot," Luisa said. "I know it's really hot out, but I can't really do anything," Julieta replied. Just then, agustin and Felix came back from town with some Popsicles. All the kids had one, but they were still hot. Mirabel had a smaller popsicle cause she couldn't have one of the bigger Popsicles. "Mami, I'm still hot." Luisa and Isabella said. "I know we all are, but I can't do anything." Julieta replied. "I wish it would rain cause that would cool me down," Isabella said to luisa. "Me too," Luisa said. "Wait, I have an idea!" Isabella said.

Isabella went to go find a sad book, and Luisa followed but was confused. "What are we looking for?" Luisa asked. "A sad book," Isabella replied. "Why a sad book?" Luisa kept questioning. "Cause I'm gonna give the book tia Pepa to see if she will cry that way it will rain and will cool all of us down." Isabella answered. "Won't we get in trouble?" Luisa asked. "Who's gonna tell?" Isabella asked. "No one cause that's not gonna work," Julieta said. "Mami, how long have you been standing there?" Isabella asked? "Long enough to hear your little plan," Julieta giggled, "you're not in trouble. I'm actually a little surprised you thought of that." Julieta explained. "Will it work, though?" Julieta thought to herself. "Mami, are you ok?" Luisa asked. "Yes, I'm fine, just thinking.

Pepa was having a hard time being pregnant. So Julieta came down and gave her a book to read. "Here you go. I know you love sad stories, so I got you this book," Julieta said. "Thank you. I've been having a hard time lately. This will work." Pepa said to Julieta. "Alright, girls, hopefully this will work" Julieta said.

A few hours later, Pepa was already halfway through the book. She started to cry a little, and it started to sprinkle. "Mami, it's raining," Luisa said. "We'll good it's sure cooled down a bit." Julieta replied. After Pepa got done crying she put a book mark where she left off and went downstairs but noticed it was nighttime. "How long was I reading that book?" Pepa asked herself. Everyone was sleeping, and Pepa went into the kitchen to make something to eat. But noticed a plate of food on the counter with her name on it. She sat down at the table and started to eat. "Hopefully, I can finish that book tomorrow," Pepa thought to herself. After she got done eating, she went upstairs and gave Dolores a kiss and went to bed.

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