thanksgiving day

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It's now Thanksgiving, and Julieta is rushing because there are gonna be a lot of guests coming over. "Are you OK mami can I help?" Luisa asked. "I just need you to set the table," Julieta said. "Ok, mami," Luisa said. Just then, Pepa came in with mirabel in her arms. "Alright, what can I help with?" Pepa asked. "Can you just take care of mirabel for me right now?" Julieta replied. "Absolutely," Pepa said. It's was almost 3:30 and the guests would be coming  soon. "I'm almost done," Julieta thought to herself. "Just do the dishes, and I'll be done," Julieta thought to herself again. "Mami, are you ok? Can I help with anything?" Isabella asked. "You want to help me with dishes? that'll be super helpful." Julieta replied. "Ok," Isabella said.

It's 3:45 and the dishes are about done "Alright Isabella here you go, thank you for helping." Julieta said as she gave Isabella a cookie. "Thank you, mami," Isabella said. Julieta then called for Luisa to give her a cookie also. "Thank you, mami," Luisa said. Julieta then smiled and got everything put out. It's now 4:00 and the whole town was coming. As the town was on their way, they all brought their own dishes. They started to knock on the door. "Isabella, can you open the door, please?" Julieta said with a warm smile. "Yes, mami," Isabella replied.

After everyone arrived, Julieta and pepa started to set drinks out for both kids and adults. Agustin came in with mirabel in his arms and sat her down in her highchair. "Awww, she's so cute," one of the villagers said. "Thank you," Julieta said. Julieta started to put the dishes on the table. After she put everything on the table, she went over to agustin and handed him mirabels small plate. "Alright, everyone, make your plates." Julieta announced. Everyone started to make their plates and started to eat. Agustin started to feed mirabel. "Open up, mirabel." Agustin said. Mirabel opened her mouth and started to chew her food. After everyone was done eating, the villagers started to leave.

After everyone left, Julieta was getting ready for bed. Pepa came in with mirabel sleeping in her arms. Pepa then put mirabel in her crib and left. Julieta went into pepas' room and gave a small gift for her baby. "What's this for?" Pepa asked. "Aren't you gonna be having a baby soon, or  is that someone else?" Julieta teased. "I won't open it until my baby is born." Pepa said. "That's your decision," Julieta said as she left. Julieta then went back into her room and went to bed.

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