Chapter 7 part 1

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Later on at the arena where they were performing, Bang Chan asked me if I could help with wardrobe since they had limited staff. I went into the closet to see what they were wearing. Some things included black spiked boots, see-through white shirts, and black colored costumes that looked more like a straightjacket than an outfit. "Oh well, that's fashion for you. Honestly, these look like something a stripper would wear." I thought to myself. I could hear crowds of STAY's coming into the arena. I grabbed the clothes closest to me to give to the group.

Once everyone was dressed, they walked up the stairs leading to the stage. I peeked through the side of the stage to see so many people, I couldn't tell how many were there.

Intro music began to play as the lights lit up the stage to reveal the group in position to what looked like Maniac. When it was the first line, almost half the arena was screaming their hearts out from swooning at Felix's deep voice and the way the group seductively stared at the cameras around them.

They moved their hips to the music and eventually to where no one could resist whenever Felix sang in his signature deep voice. A few times some of the members secretly lifted their shirts to reveal their abs which triggered every STAY to scream.

A long time went by before they took a break from singing and dancing, to talk to the crowd of STAYs. Some of them imitated Felix and Bang Chan's heavy Australian accent. "How we feeling STAY?" Bang Chan yelled through his microphone.

The crowd went wild which I then realized that there were more people in the crowd then I thought. Considering that some of the members were still learning English, they surprisingly spoke well.
Han talked about this one time when someone asked him why he even bothered going to a swimming pool, even though he is unable to swim. I honestly didn't know he couldn't. "Oh well, you learn something new every day." I said to myself shrugging my shoulders.

Bang Chan told the crowd that one time he found a piece of pineapple in his burger. Everyone was dying of laughter from his thick accent. Han, Felix and Hyunjin kept on laughing from the way he pronounced burger. "Haha he legit said 'burgah', haha what a laugh." Hyunjin cried out, hysterically laughing. Felix cut in to tell a similar story around the same time when Felix walked in complaining that he got locked out of his dorm room.

His story was interesting but also funny in a way that every STAY died of laughter once again. I.N began to yawn in which Bang Chan decided to continue on with the show. They got into their positions to dance to Charmer, Domino, Wolfgang, and Case 143.

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