Chapter 15

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When I woke up, estimated to be 4 hours later, I saw Mingi, Seonghwa, Felix, Han, I.N and San sitting down on the carpet of my room playing a game. I asked them what they were playing. "We're playing Tellestrations." answered Han playfully. He explained to me what the rules were because I shot him a confused look.
When it was I.N's turn to guess the drawing, his face lit up to a smile, though it faded quickly to a devious expression. He wrote something down, then handed the whiteboard to the next person. The game started and ended with Han. When he revealed the real word that he was trying to draw, everyone laughed. The word he was trying to draw was a calculator but the drawing ended up looking like a modern phone.

Just then, Hyunjin came in to announce something but stopped to admire the terrible drawing. He stifled a laugh until he couldn't hold it in anymore. "How bad is it?" Han asked him. Hyunjin inhaled sharply. "'s bad. No offense but whoever drew that needs an art teacher..STAT!" he yelled, pointing to the picture.

"Hey Hyunjin!" A voice echoed through the hallways towards the living room. "Come back! My Little Pony is back on!" Everyone looked at him with a side eyed expression. Some began to giggle up to hysterical laughter. He blushed in embarrassment. "Uhhh..I'm coming...Bang Chan." When he left, I began to process what just happened. "So you're telling me, that you guys are in your early twenties and are watching a children's show?" I cried out, completely confused. Han rolled his eyes. "Oh please," he said, "We're also grown men who play with dolls and stuffed animals." He tossed his Skzoo towards me. Fortunately, it ended up in my clothes basket near the door.

I mentally felt better walking around the villa to see what everyone else was doing. As I entered the living room, I saw almost all of Ateez and most of Stray Kids looking at the TV which was playing a "My Little Pony" episode that looked like it was just about to end. When it did end, everyone decided to play a game of "Cleopatra". Basically it's a game where you say "Hi, Cleopatra" in English then scream out "I'm the best potato chip" in Korean in a higher key than the last person but it could be played from a low pitch to high or from high to low.

I knew that if either of them played that game, it would get chaotic extremely fast. "Oh god, here we go again." I mumbled to myself, smacking my hand on my forehead. Everyone huddled together in a large circle. They decided to go from low to high pitched. Of course, they started with Felix since he had an extremely deep voice. Some of Ateez hadn't heard a voice that was deeper than Yeosang's so they were a bit startled when he began. After he went, sure enough Yeosang was next up. It went around from person to person until they went a bit overboard when they got to the high notes. Their high pitched voices were so high, that myself and others, covered our ears from the frequency. I figured that the game would end with San, Jongho, or Felix since they surprisingly had high pitched voices. San lost after the second attempt to go higher than Felix. In the end, it was a high pitched battle between Jongho and Felix. Though, in the end, Jongho was victorious.
Earlier, Hyunjin made a paper crown in case they needed it for dance practice. He brought it over from the art studio and put it on Jongho's head. His eyes lit up like stars in the sky representing their happiness.

Lee Know wanted a break from cooking since there were so many people present he didn't feel like it. He decided to get takeout from a local restaurant that delivered it. I.N offered to pay for the delivery but Han insisted as well. They decided to rock paper scissors for it. In the end, I.N won.

Laughter and socializing were all that they did for most of the night. Mingi pulled me aside to ask me if I'd like to join him for a casual drive around the city. I didn't want him to feel bad if I declined, so I agreed. He told his group what we were doing but they were too focused on Felix and Yeosang having a deep voice battle. I blushed when I heard Felix say something in his deep voice. I learned that I wasn't the only one that was swooning. Yunho was imitating Wooyoung's "wicked witch"
laughter as we were walking out. We did not want to stick around for long.

"Run," I said pushing Mingi towards the door. "Hurry before Wooyoung starts doing aegyo or imitates the way you rap." He was confused for a slight second as we closed the front door.

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