Chapter 17

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I was woken up a few hours later when a shadow creeped over my bedside table. "Hey!" The voice whispered "Yuki, I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you?" I recognized the fear in the shadowy voice immediately. "Of course you can, Han." I answered half asleep. He went on the other side of the queen sized bed to get under the warm covers. He positioned himself several times throughout the night until he at last fell asleep spooning me. Another person came into my room who claimed he was looking for Han. By the time it was morning, I had five guys spooning me. They all huddled together like bats in a cave. When I woke up that morning, I learned that Han, Felix, Yeosang, Mingi, and Lee Know were the five guys spooning me. San and Wooyoung were there too but they decided to sleep on the floor surrounded by piles of blankets.

We all slept soundly until someone in another room began to rap "Modern Major General" extremely fast in Korean on a megaphone making up random lyrics as they wandered around the house. Everyone that was spooning me jolted awake and ran to the kitchen like children on Christmas morning. Han jolted out of bed so fast, that when he ran to the door, he fell over because his foot was caught between the sheets. He also bumped into the door to fall over in defeat. I helped him up so he could join everyone else.

I decided to clean up my room a little bit before walking over to the kitchen. It was odd to see everyone in pajamas since I'd only seen them in concert clothes or sweatshirts. "So what's for breakfast?" Han cried happily, rubbing his hands together. Bang Chan brought over several plates of breakfast foods. There were cups of coffee, juice and tea. There were stacks of pancakes with syrup drooling from the top. Small cereal boxes were torn open as a self serve. The bread was next to fruit jams/jellies and marmalade. Ironically, I.N was over there choosing out pieces of bread to make toast.

There were even interesting breakfast specials that Bang Chan claimed to be traditional Australian breakfast foods. The table wasn't big enough for everyone so they combined the table from the kitchen to a spare one from the living room. Mingi decided to sit next to me on my left and Han and Felix sat on my right. Almost everyone was still managing to wake up.

As Bang Chan was sitting down, he yawned slowly but loud enough to make everyone laugh. "Have a good night sleep old man?" Teased Seungmin. Everyone but Bang Chan giggled quietly. "Haha, very funny." He said sarcastically.

I thought Han might like that so I nudged his shoulder but when I looked at him, he was fast asleep. His adorable chubby cheeks faced the table. I poked his chubby cheeks in an attempt to wake him up. Hyunjin threw his Skzoo at him in which he immediately woke up when it hit his face. Han got mad at me because he thought that I threw it at him. He playfully hit me on the head with his Skzoo. Everyone stopped eating to watch the chaos unfold.

I.N, Changbin, and Wooyoung couldn't stop laughing when Han began to hit me harder. "Chaos is a beautiful thing." swooned Hyunjin, recording the action. "Hey!" a voice shouted "Don't copy Discord." He looked over to realize the voice came from Jongho. In a split second, everyone began to argue about random things. "How do these people have so much energy so early in the morning?!" I cried to myself.

Han began to hit me so hard, he pinned me to the floor. "Han!" I cried, struggling to pull away from him. "No stop, you're tickling me!" I laughed uncontrollably. Bang Chan pulled him away after a while but when he did, something small fell out of Han's pocket. In that instant everyone froze as if time stood still.

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