4. Second attempt

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Sky was wandering around the shopping centre with P'Pai, they were holding hands and P'Pai was chatting away happily.  Sky was half a step behind P'Pai and he was looking at him with slight confusion.  Since Saturday Sky had been ranting about the pervert, he had built up this image of a rude, bullish and narcissistic man.  But it does not match the man currently talking away to him, this is man is funny, chatty and - begrudging - charming.  

Pai pulled sky into a designer clothes store and started to look through the shirts, every now and again pulled out a t-shirt and asked him what he thought. 

"P'Pai, why are you asking me about these styles?" Sky asked, Pai was busy looking at two tops and replied, "I am looking for couple t-shirt for us" 

"What?!" a shocked Sky asked, Pai smiled at him, "Oh I should have told you that I am now pursing you?" He held a t-shirt next to Sky, "This one and I know your a size 6".  he matched to the till with two T-shirts.  

"Wait! stop P'Pai" Sky started to say but his phone went off.  

"Sky! I am on the BTS line and heading home" an out of breath Rain said, "How are you doing?"

"Currently I am in a shop with my pervert, who is currently buying us couple t-shirts" Sky said as he was trying to keep up with Pai.

"What?" Rain was surprised, "How?"

Sky briefly explained the situation to Rain, "OMG!" Rain said, "well if you are going to dinner, please don't give any information about me, his friend is relentless" Rain sounded desperate.

"Rain, I would never do that" Sky confirmed.  He looked over to see that Pai had already purchased the clothes and was talking on his phone.  "I will talk to you later" and then he ended the call.

Pai grabbed Sky's hand, "Come on, lets get a drink" and he pulled Sky behind him.  They ended up at a little bar and Pai ordered two white wines.

"So tell me about you" he smiled.  They began an easy conversation and Sky relaxed a little, that was until a tall dark handsome man joined them. 

"Sky, this is my cousin Phayu" Pai introduced them, "Cards on the table, he is interested in your friend".

Sky looked between the two men, he then recognised the man as the one that chased Rain.  

"Rain, is faster than a bullet" Phayu smiled, "But not great at hiding".  Sky let a smile slip, he agreed with the statement.  Phayu handed him something and Sky recognised it as Rain's ID wallet, "In his hast to jump out of my car, he left this behind" He smiled at sky, "Could you return it to him for me?" he asked. 

"If you want his information, I wont give it to you" Sky said as he took the ID wallet back.  Phayu smiled, "Don't worry, I wont ask you to do that.  He needs to know I am determined to pursue him"

Sky looked at him, "Why Rain?" He asked.  Phayu smiled, "It's always been Rain".  He then got up and left.  Sky looked at Pai with the unspoken question, who just smiled at him, "You keep your friends secrets and I will keep my cousins".  Sky nodded.

"Let me go!" Rain demanded, "I don't want to go to your house".   Phayu smiled, "But we need to talk" he said.

"No, we don't" Rain said, he slowly put his hand over his seatbelt release button.  

"Don't you want to know how I know you?" he was asked

"I ready know" Rain said, the car was slowing down due to traffic, "Your a stalker!"

Phayu smiled, "No not really".  The car reached traffic lights and he had to stop the car.  He went to turn to talk to Rain.  He was once again surprised when Rain, click the release button and then opened his door.  He ran as fast as he could, and we out of Phayu vision within minutes.  

"For fuck sake!" Phayu said as he hit his steering wheel.  He looked over to where Rain had been sitting and saw a little wallet sitting on the seat.  He found a place to park and picked up the wallet.  All of Rains ID's were in there, including his home address.  Phayu smiled as it looked like the Gods were with him.  He took a photo of the details and then called his cousin.  He had another plan forming.  

A few weeks later 

Phayu could not believe the length he had gone to in his pursuit of Rain, he is now officially a stalker.  There was a coffee shop near Rain's apartment and he now has a regular table.  He has been happy to watch him from afar but the desire to get close to him was growing everyday.  He had been waiting for Rain all his life.  His dreams of Rain are so mixed up, but are becoming more vivid since meeting Rain.  From the two meeting with Rain, he knows that Rain has no memory of their previous life, it pains him but also gives him some relief as the ending is so tragic.  Rain loved to run, go to the gym and go on long walks.  He is a good student and seems to have a lot of friends and a lot of admirers.  Phayu had to control himself when it came to other people approaching Rain.  There seem to be one student that always hung around Rain and Sky, and Phayu did not trust him.  He hated the fact he could make his Rain laugh.  

Today he had gone back to his old faculties to put an idea in to the deans mind.  A mentor programme to match students with graduated students.  This would replace a module and would be mantuary for a selected few students.  He got a few others involved, Pai, of course agreed to help him.  As he knew that this was going to rigged in their favour.  So it was no surprise for them when they got their two cuties.

Rain was sent an email from his firm, saying that he wanted to set a team building workshop up at his resort home.  The travel arrangements were made and he was told to pack for 4 nights.  He told his secretory to use his real name, Venice, as he knew that Rain was aware of his nickname.  

See? He had turned into a stalker, he knew it was bad but it was the only way he could stop Rain from running away.

Rain was very excited about the mentorship programme, he was showing Sky all the emails that he had received from his Mentors firm.  The trip was tomorrow and Rain had a lot to do.

He was so impressed at being picked up in a fancy car, taken to an airport, flying to the location.  He was more impressed that they were gong to a private island.  The boat took him there and then left him on the jetty with instruction on how to get to the house.

The house was beautiful, the living room overlooked the sea and the view was breath taking as the sun was dipping below the sea.  He was so busy looking at his surroundings that he did not notice Phayu walking down the stairs, his eyes fixed on Rain, he silently walked up behind him. 

"Hello Rain" 

Rain turned at the greeting and when he saw Phayu his eyes went wide and he pressed his back to the glass. 

"You!" he said, "But, but why are you here?" 

"Oh, I am your mentor" Phayu said

"No, someone called Venice is" Rain denied, realising that he was now stuck on this island with this man         

"Yes, thats me" Phayu said as he stopped just before Rain, "My name is Venice Phayu" 

Rain had never felt so overwhelmed in his life.  He knew he was stuck here, with this person.  

"I...........I............I" Rain stuttered, his eyes rolled back and he fainted in Phayu's arms. 

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